Baby Said

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''What the fuck are you doing in my house, and why the fuck are you kissing my girlfriend?'' Ella and Oliver gasped and Erik stood up. ''Marko it's not what it looks like I swear, it was a stupid bet!'' Erik attempted to defend me but Marko just scowled at him. ''Don't even talk to me, kurac'' Erik sighed and sat back down. ''Now, is somebody going to tell me?'' I got up and ran past him and down into the bathroom. I sat on the bath and began to cry. Why did I do this? This isn't even Marko's fault, he has every right to be acting the way he was. ''Ev? You in there?'' It was Ella, I got up and opened the door to come in. She shut it behind her and we sat on the floor. ''Why didn't you tell me?'' I shrugged as she put her arms around me. ''Why did you kiss Erik if you have Marko?'' I sighed and wiped my eyes before answering. ''Because I knew you didn't like Marko because he ghosted me when he went back to Croatia last time, I wasn't ready to tell you yet and I didn't want a stupid game of truth or dare to be how you found out.'' Ella just sighed. ''Yeah okay, I don't like him a whole bunch, but that doesn't mean you have to lie to me and get yourself in trouble.'' I started crying again. ''I didn't mean for any of this to happen Ella! He wasn't supposed to get back til tomorrow when you guys had left, it was two seconds and it didn't mean anything!'' I pulled away from her. ''Just because you didn't mean for it to happen doesn't really make it okay, I mean, why did you do what I said anyways? Like, I only asked you to do it because I thought you had a boyfriend.'' I frowned and got up. ''För fan? Why did you bet me to kiss Erik if you knew I had a boyfriend? Vad händer i din lilla hjärna? Du har förstört mitt liv!'' She scoffed and also got up. ''I haven't ruined your life, you're having no trouble doing that yourself you ungrateful bitch!'' I left the bathroom and made my way down the hall where I bumped into Marko whilst I was wiping my eyes.

''Ev, can we talk?'' I sighed and opened the door to the spare room. We went in and closed the door behind us and sat on the bed. ''Why?'' Marko said, he couldn't even look at me. ''I didn't want my sister to know about us, she bet me to kiss Erik so he offered two seconds or something, and don't go blaming him he was just as against it as I was.'' He finally looked at me and there were tears in his eyes, that broke me. ''If you were so against it why did you do it?'' I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. ''I told you, I didn't want this night to end in an argument so it was best not to let my sister know about us yet.'' Marko inched closer to me. ''And your excuse is that it was a bet?'' I scoffed. ''Excuse? No! Don't make it out that I think this is okay!'' I protested and he shook his head. ''Eva, if you thought it wasn't okay you wouldn't have done it. Do you know how much I trusted you?'' I widened my eyes, trusted? ''Don't look at me like that Eva, you knew it was wrong and you still did it. I thought you were different.'' I felt my heat shatter into a million pieces. ''Fuck this, I'm gonna go give that bastard a piece of my mind.'' Marko scowled as he stormed out of the room and downstairs, where Erik was.

I quickly followed him as I heard shouting downstairs. I went into the living room and Ella was holding Oliver back whilst Marko had Erik cornered. ''Ti muška kurvo, ne možeš dobiti svoju djevojku pa ideš na moju? Govno jedno!'' He was like me, when he was angered he found it easier to shout in his home language. ''Odgovori mi, jebo te, kurac!'' Erik was currently cowering and I went over to Marko and tried to grab his arm. ''Kloni se ovoga! Učinio si dovoljno.'' He said as he wriggled out of my grasp. ''Marko! Sluta vara en tönt och släpp honom!'' I shouted and he looked at me. His eyes were filled with anger that slipped away when he looked at me, then I understood. He blamed Erik. Not me. ''Marko, let me go.'' Erik said and Marko just scowled at him and removed his arm from the wall. ''Get the fuck out of my house.'' Marko said and Erik didn't even think twice before he left, as did the others.

I collapsed onto the sofa and sighed. I put my head in my hands and I felt a presence looming over me from behind. ''I'm sorry.'' I scoffed. ''You were gonna beat up Erik for something I did, nice going.'' He frowned at me as I got up. ''You said it yourself, he offered a two second kiss. He didn't have to. You're a people pleaser Ev, you'll do anything to make someone happy.'' I turned around to look at him. ''What the fuck was that?'' Did I know I was a people pleaser? Yes. Did I appreciate it coming from his mouth? Not at all. ''You're a people pleaser, you didn't agree to kiss Erik to protect us, you did it so you didn't disappoint your sister and when Erik showed interest in it you did it so you didn't disappoint him.'' I shook my head and scoffed. ''You don't know what you're talking about.'' I replied and he leaned against the living room door frame. ''And you're in denial.'' I rolled my eyes and started walking upstairs. ''Enjoy the spare room tonight you dick!'' I shouted as I slammed my bedroom door, which then opened again. This man. ''No, none of us are going to sleep until we solve this.'' I layed in bed and faced away from him. ''I'll stay here as long as it takes.'' I flipped him off and I heard him sit down on the sofa bed. This was killing me. I wanted to sort it, I really did, but my pride couldn't handle that he'd picked me apart.

Suddenly, he layed next to me and wrapped his arms around me. ''Darling, I'm sorry for being so violent with Erik.'' I turned around and started to cry. ''I'm sorry for kissing him, so stupid.'' I said and he kissed my head. ''It's okay sweetheart, we'll be okay.'' He held me so tight, and I loved it. ''I love you darling.'' He pulled away slightly and smiled at me. ''I love you too.'' I replied and he kissed me, but not softly. This kiss was filled with passion and love, almost like he was reclaiming what was his.


Translations! :3

Kurac - Dick

För fan? - The fuck?

Vad händer i din lilla hjärna? Du har förstört mitt liv! - What's going on in your little brain? You're ruining my life!

Ti muška kurvo, ne možeš dobiti svoju djevojku pa ideš na moju? Govno jedno! - You man whore, you can't get your own girlfriend so you go for mine? Piece of shit!

Odgovori mi, jebo te, kurac! - Answer me you fucking dick (give or take, google translate fucked me over with this one)

Kloni se ovoga! Učinio si dovoljno. - Stay out of this! You've done enough.

Marko! Sluta vara en tönt och släpp honom! - Marko! Stop being a jerk and let him go!

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