Chapter - 7

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Scarlett's P. O. V.

last night I slept a little early cause' of my severe headache. I still can't figure out the fact that harry called at two midnight. there definitely has to be something behind it. Anyways, I'll surely ask him today when I get there.. suddenly a thought pop in my mind and I jerk myself off the bed as I sit, "shit! how can I forget. I have planned to buy a car with harry." I race hastily to the bathroom, brush my teeth, take a quick shower and change into a tight pencil skirt and a light blue button down shirt. I apply mascara to my eyes and put my hair into a ponytail. i apply a light shady pink lipstick to my lips. "I'm looking good.. yeah...I'm...yeah!"

I take my take my purse and lock my house. I quickly knock at Jane's door. "coming" i hear her say. she opens the door a little later and pulls me in a hug. she wears tight black geans with her grey long sleeve sweater and her boots, her hair falling freely on her shoulders with a purse hung on one of them. she twists her apartment's keys and finally says, "Don't you think that you were up a little earlier today?"

"no. why so?"

"naah. nothing. just asking." she says with a smile. her eyes tracing my whole body as if she is in a super shock. I wave my hand in front of her eyes. "Jane to earth" i say "something wrong?"

"no. actually you look damn sexy today." she compliments with a smirk.

"oh. thank you" i actually don't know what to say do just a 'thank you' .

the drive is silent as I stare out of the window and let the fresh hair brush to my face. "are you planning to go somewhere today?" she asks.

"well, yeah. probably after work. I was going to tell you that I won't be coming back with ya" I say with a full excitement.

"with whom and where?"

"to buy a car with harry." she smiles  a little wider.

"I thought You don't like him?" now she is teasing me.

"actually he said that his uncle owns a bussiness of second hand vehicles or something" I try to ignore her.

"but still you hated him" oh god!

"I don't think I still do until he gives me a reason to. he's just a bit annoying and stubborn. that's all" I say honestly.

"hmm. I see that." can't she just stop it.

"stop using your brains too much or else it'll burst" i comment.

"I litrally am trying for that but can't."she laughs.

the rest of the drive is spent in giggling and chuckling. she pulls in the parking lot as we both head to the elevator. jane, as we know, is smirking yet. pushing my arm kicking my feet all the time.

when I enter to my office I spot harry sitting on his place as he waves his hand to me. i don't notice as I just stare. he waves again. I shift myself as I respond to it and head to my desk. I put purse in the corner and start to read the manuscript. "you look beautiful scarlett" I turn around to see harry standing near my desk with a calming smile.

"thank you." he wears a full black stuff. black t-shirt black jeans and a black coat with his boots.

"so. what's the plan today?"

"the same as you know."


just as I turn back. "and listen." he asks. why is he being weird.


"Can you don't mind..can we go to dinner?" he asks.

"hm..yeah sure that's a cool idea since we'll be tired" I agree.

"okay then. all set." he smiles a little wider before sitting back on his seat.

Harry's P. O. V.

god she. is. looking. hot. absolutely sexy today. her curves look so hot in those black skirt she wears. I just can't stop staring at her, I mean, really, I can't resist it. but I'm just so happy that she approved to my proposal. I was so worried that she'd reject after last night but she didn't even asked me about it and for that I'm thankful.

I open my manuscript and start reading it. I find myself totally non - interested in it. instead I look at her. she is totally focused in her work. for once I try to call her but dismiss the idea. what if she got angry! oh god why the hell am I so obsessed about this girl. i push this thought out as I again continue to read it. suddenly my phone buzzes as I slide the screen, "hello?"

"hello, harry?"

"hey gem. how's you doing?" i answer as I recognise the voice.

"busy with all the meetings and stuff." she continues, "by the way I'm coming to portland tomorrow to attend a meeting"

"oh that's good when are you reaching here then?" I can't wait to see my sister after these very months so long.

"tomorrow evening and my depature after 3 days"

"what! just 3 days?" i lower my voice.

"yeah I've more meeting to attend in seattle.. so I'm so sorry hazza" i roll my eyes.

"okay. no worries." we hung up and exchange goodbyes. I've to go to store to buy some stuff as my sissy is coming.

The rest of the day goes by very quickly I somehow stare at scarlett then again start to read my manuscript I just don't know what it is. I feel some urge for this girl since I met her. I wonder if she feels the same? no she doesn't! but what if she does? i push this thought and head to the elevator. where is she? has she gone? no she can't! relief washes through me when I see her waiting for me, standing near my car. I rush to my car and start ignition as quickly as I can and twist the keys. she looks out through the window. i want to start a conversation with her.


"so.." she asks.

"have you decided which car you want?"

"nop not yet. we'll see." she smiles.

"well my sister gemma is coming tomorrow so I was thinking if you could jst come over for the dinner." I say it before my mind could even think.

"oh.. you have a sister. you never told me?"

"yeah she's elder though!"

"okay. so yeah. I'll come you just text me the address and time."

"um..yeah..okay..yeah!" i stammer.

Guys please, don't forget to vote and comment. your votes encourage me to write more. if i didn't got more i'll stop writing. anyways,
I Love You :* :*

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