Chapter - 27

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Harry's P. O. V.

niall continued, "I bet no one would ever want to hook up with me after that." we laughed.

"no doubt." scarlett said waving her hands.

zayn and candy also joined us after a few minutes. we laughed a little more after me, zayn and niall decided to have a drink and the girls were talking. we all headed towards the other hall where the bar was. I picked the red wine followed by my best friends. I took a sip and the familiar taste filled my mouth, although it burned my tongue.

"lets have a bet. for bucks." zayn says and continues, "lets give it! the one who'd gulp the maximum cups of wine in three minutes will win 500 dollars. what say?" zayn says confidently as if he knows he's the winner.

"planning to fail in just three minutes malik." I smile wickedly.

"I think you forgot that the idea is mine." he gulps a cup in one go.

"let's give it then?" niall says and we both nod.

"okay, two, three.." I set the timer as we all jump on the glasses one..two..three..four..five.. twelve. As soon as my phone starts beeping I stop.

"stop guys." I say dancing I don't know why the fuck am I dancing.

"niall my girlfriend, how many?" I say, not knowing why.

"" he sings.

"mine is eleven." Malik laughs.

"you can't deny the fact that I won." I say leaning on him "my 500 bucks dude." I say. I feel dizzy as if the whole world is spinning.

"harry." I hear a familiar voice calling my name as I turn around to see scarlett.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

harry turns around and..what? is he drunk?

"oh scarlett you know I love you." harry sings.

"what the hell! are you drunk." I say frowning.

"a bit maybe..or maybe not. I don't know." he laughs.

"shut up. just shut up."I pull him by his arm and we head to the backyard. there are so many drunks and couples spending their time as soon as I notice those drunks I immediately turn around.

"wait." he says, releasing his arm.

"no harry you're crazy." I follow him as he dangles while walking, it seems like he'd fall left but then right I don't think he'd be able to balance himself or not.

"hey guys.." he hugs those boys and I'm sure I have never seen them in my life but they are quite the same, the tattoos and stuff.

"bro where's zayn?" one of them says.

"in the bar or kitchen or in the hall or maybe in the bedroom. why do you think I would know where is he?" I stand there without uttering a word.

"and..who are you?" the other asks me.

"oh, she's my girlfriend scarlett." he says as he marches towards me and kisses me hard.

"harry I think you drank pretty much, let's go back home.." I say.

"they are my friends wait..lemme introduce you..Jessie, liam, Brad, lou and his girlfriend Grace..wait no! Grace is liam's girl but lou is kissing, no its liam who's kissing her wait liam--"

"harry stop it, I got it alright?"I say practically laughing as I drag him in.

we both sit on the couch as harry continuously sings, lets have another toast to the girl almighty, lets pray we stay young stay out of lightning..

"scarlett you know the girl Alina, from Greenwood. she's pretty hot and lord, her curves, oh and her boobs. she's so sexy. isnt she?"

"shut up." I am jealous.

"have you seen that tattoo on her collarbone, that butterfly one?"

"harry. you. are. drunk." I say stopping at each and every word.

"I want you to get like that on your hip." he stands as he waves his hands. "so that whenever we would have sex, I would--"

"harry!" I just can't stop laughing. "you are crazy." but he totally ignores me.

"..and those lingeries that you bought? those red laced one?" he laughs.

"harry! we are going back." I stand up as I blush. but I like this harry.

"no." he frowns.

"why?" I put my hands on my waist.

"its something very urgent and I can't wait till the drive of twenty minutes." he sings. he's purely lost it. he has had too much.

"and what is it?" I hold him by his arms as he swings. he can't even stand straight.

"I need to pee." he says as he goes to the washroom swinging right and left.

Harry's P. O. V.

I just don't know why the fuck am I dangling. I can't even balance my own self. I still don't know why on earth, I talked 'bout Alina and what? a tattoo on hip? Lord, I don't know what is happening to me. my mind still feels dizzy.

the voice of my peeing fills the whole washroom. voice? who hell notices that. I am sure I will not drink that much again. just as I stand infront of the mirror my phone beeps.

"hello harry? where are you? its two in the morning?" someone yells on the phone.

"first off all who the hell are you? and why should I tell where I am." I say.

"harry is it you?"

"if the caller Id shows my name, then its definitely me." I say or sing. I can't tell.

"are you drunk?" he screams.

"keep your fucking voice in your limits, its hurting my ear okay! and please do the honor of telling me your name." I say.

"I'm your dad." he says, but this time a little slow.

"dad?..oh" I laugh, I wish I could think properly.

"come home, now."

"why? You don't like when I live the times of my life?" before I can include more he cuts the phone. who hell does he thinks he is. no one has given him the right to cut my phone.

I immediately head out, still dangling, fighting to keep pace but can't.

"scaaaarleett." I shout in the crowd but before I could scream again she appears in the crowd and drags me to the parking lot.

I continuously sing as she grabs me by my left arm.

"watch your step..harry you'd fall on me." she yells.

"and I'm in love with you.." I ignore her. I don't know why on Earth am I singing in the parking lot, maybe this alcohol has taken control over me pretty well.

she pushes me in the passenger seat as she starts the car. She's pissed off, I can tell she is. she doesn't even look at me for once. I don't even apologize 'cause my mind has already drifted off as I lean my head in the window, my eyes close shut.

thankyou to all my supporters so far, who have encouraged me to write it and thankfully I've completed 29! @herbendicion @hisAmare @agarwalsrishti @awwie_directioner @bbjersey08 @Xaragriffin. It means alot.
and yayy!! 789 reads!! Thats insane, really!! thanks again. my love, always :*
and thanks to all those who'll read my story in the future,

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