Chapter - 24

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song for this chapter is:
Right now - one Direction
you are in love - Taylor Swift.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

I immediately close door of his bedroom, as soon as I enter in and spot him sitting in the corner of the bed, showing his back, his head bowed down. "harry?" I move towards him, it seemed like he was crying or something but when I saw his face, its more worse! he holds a bottle of wine in his left hand and drinks it in one go.

"harry have you lost it?" I yell as I snatch the bottle and throw it on the floor as its glass peices shatter in the ground making a click sound. "are you crazy? you think drinking is a option?  well! just for you to know, its not! stop it." I force him to sit back on the bed.

"you know what scarlett? you're the one who's not letting me forget her! can't you just let go, please let me go.. please or..I.." his voice is broken and eyes blood shot. I'm thankful that I stopped him at a right time.

"you what?" I look at him with worried expression.

"I..I will fall for you which I can't do. I can't take another heart break 'cause I know whosoever comes a little closer to me then he goes away forever some way or the other..I know and I can't lose you, not again.." I don't know what to say, I didn't knew he ever had feelings for me, I had convinced my mind that he still loves Alesha all the way and I was..wrong.

"what?" I few tears spill from my eyes.

"leave me please. you will bear your whole life 'cause of me." he doesn't look at me like he used to, anymore.

"I won't..I can't. not like this. you're living so..tough and I won't even think of leaving you." I caress his cheeks.

"I'm just a threat to you--"

I cut him off by kissing him hard. his lips felt like wine and it was just a beautiful moment. this is what he needed in this dark time of his life. I know I won't ever regret kissing him now. I'm happy rather that I love him so that I'm here with him, to support him. I won't ever let him go, no matter what happens, he has made me feel the way no one did and no can ever. we pull after a few seconds.

"you are not." I smile. our heads touch.

"you can't change it." he's still sad.

"I can change, and you can't stop me from it. harry I won't ever let you go. you have made me feel the way no one did." I say.

"no no! you don't understand anything. I can't destroy you 'cause I know I will, one way or the other. " he pulls away.

"its not like I want to understand either, harry you know what? you are absolutely different from what you think you are. you are the who knows me better than anyone else. you are the one who fucking listens to me no matter if I confess it or not or maybe I just whisper. you're different and that has made all the difference."

"you know you're lying." he says wickedly and continues, "please scarlett please, understand I can't be with you 'cause if I did then I'll make your life a pure peice of shit. I know I will." he rushes his hands in his hair.

"how can you be so sure?" I fold my hands.

"I know because I.. leave it. all that matters is your life and I can't risk it." he's hiding something. he wants to say something but doesn't. I can tell.

"you what?" I continue, "you are not risking my life 'cause it lies in your decision, your happines, your love."

"why can't you just understand? stop bring a child for god's sake and leave in this position, I can't harm you."

"harry, you need to tell me whatever it is that you are hiding from me. I don't know why are you saying this shit but just for you to know, it hurts even more that you want to leave me." I say slowly.

"you want the truth? Yeah, I have started fucking falling for you. yeah, I love you more than anything else in this world. yeah, I can't imagine even a single minute without you. yeah, you made me forget about Alesha. and that's the reason I want you to leave me. I loved Alesha she left, I love you and you'll also leave and I don't have the strenght to bear it." I'm numb. I don't know what to say. his confession was a pretty tough thing for him. all that he said above was the truth or not but it felt so good to hear it from him.
I love you harry, I love you so much..

"don't you think you took a little bit long to say that?" I smile as tears make their way out.

"what?" he frowns, still in a deep depression.

"harry, baby, I love you too. I love you so much. I thought that it was only me who loved you madly and guess what? now, i won't let you go, not after this 'cause I know you are the only reason. We will together fix the peices. I will save you. harry, I'm and will always be there for you. We will make through it. I have faith in you, I trust you, I love you. You won't ever loose me.. beleive me you won't. " I carress his cheeks and continue, "look at me",  I force him as his eyes finally meet mine but the usual sparkle and shine is missing.

"I love you, I can't imagine my life without you and I can't take you leaving me forever like Alesha did, so its better to live without you rather than hurt you." his voice is low.

"you have never hurt me  and I know you never will. every single bit of my being is alive for you." I smile.

"scarlett I--"

"shh..everything will be okay. I'm here to make you better." I hug him tighter carressing his back and we pull after a few minutes, "I love you baby." I say.

"I love you too." he smiles. I'm pleased by his smile which seemed vanishing for ever.

so from here the real story starts! I know you guys have been waiting for them to get together!! so finally!!...but remember? its not that easy..
@love HarLett :* :*

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I love you :* :*

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