Chapter - 10

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Scarlett's P. O. V.

I walk to my table while searching my phone and--

crraasshhhh!!! "I'm sorry" the person to whom I just crashed with, says. when I look, its, out of every fucking one, harry. great! "Me too" I say picking my stuff off the floor with harry helping me.

Harry's P. O. V.

what the great hell. why do I crash with Scarlett only. anyone could have came in but scarlett.

we begin to walk to our desks after collecting our stuff from the floor. God why is she so breath-taking everyday. its matter whatever she wears, even a torn dress would look adorable on her.and her blue-greenish eyes suits perfect.

I hear my phone vibrate as i slide the screen, "hello?"

"harry. its Erica. Mr.Greenwood wants you in his cabin."


I knock at his door before entering in. "come in." paul says, "this is probably the first time you knocked before entering straight." he chuckles.

"yeah! I feel like it."

"good." he folds his hands.

"what's my work Greenwood?"

"I want you to edit five more manuscripts. and I definitely allow you to work an hour after the working hours."


"the further transaction of our scripts are a little low and you're the best one I have. who I know can do it the best way."

" can select one more employee? with me?"

"you say. whosoever."

"scarlett crimson."

"she's new I can't give her such a big work. I think she needs time to adjust here."

"believe me. she's amazing. I promise no mistake."

"okay then."

i move out to tell scarlett about it. when i spot her l, i rush towards her, "scarlett" she turns around to meet my gaze.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

"yeah?" i answer.

" mean we are meant to complete five more manuscripts..this week..cause' the number is a little low.." he says scratching his fingers in his head like he's afraid of my answer.

"ohk...and how are we going to do it?"

"we are going to stay back for an hour more.."

"um..I'm left with no choice. so yeah."

"cool then we've got to start from tomorrow. he has given us 6 days."

the rest of the day goes by the same routine. staring at telivision after having dinner then reading a novel. I finally close the novel after an hour or so, when my mind goes back to harry, the date, the dance, my confession, me crying in his arm, the kiss, then crashing into each other. no matter how much I try to avoid him for the kiss but somehow we have to end up together. tomorrow an hour more with only him. this is going to be both fun and uncomfortable. each time I see him. the kiss flashes through my mind. I just want to erase it but can't. it was beautiful though. honestly, I loved the kiss but its embarrasing at the same time. I feel my eyes heavier as I push myself to sleep.

Harry's P. O. V.

its 11:30 and yet I can't sleep. I hate being alone in these closed walls. no one to talk, no one to share, its just so...boring. I wish she was here. I would never get bored of seeing her in her sleep. listening to her mindless stuff. but again I can only wish. I switch on the telivision and hell gemma, the bitch who was coming today, now is coming tomorrow cause'of her i had to cancel the plans with scarlett. fuck her!

I switch the nonsense machine off. nothing is coming. i feel my phone vibrate. who would call this late? i slide the screen "hello?"


"you..why..did y-you called this..late?" this is not halpening.

"love I'm sorry please understand me I.."


"no harry please don't hung up."

"didn't you heard me!"

i hund up as I rush my hands in my hair. "why! why did you do this to me! why me!" I scream before breaking down. I cry out loud. tears never stoping.after crying for about half an hour I call scarlett.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

oh god he called me again! at 1:00 in the morning "hello?"

"hello scarlett" his voice is broken way more raspy. is he crying?! oh no!

"what happened harry?" i ask in panic as I quickly jump out of my bed grab my coat and keys.

"can you please come over?"

"yeah..I'm coming.."

I drive as fast as I can to reach him tears sprwling through my eyes as I pull in his driveway. i enter before knocking. I jump through the stairs two at once.

when I enter in his bedroom, every possible thing is broken the room is all messy. and harry sitting on the floor with his face bend, his knuckles bleeding by breaking his own stuff.

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