chapter -38

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the songs for this chapter are - Ronan (taylor swift)
through the dark (one direction)

Scarlett's P. O. V.

tears stream out like a flood as soon as jane opens the door and her mouth falls open. without even thinking she hugs me and rubs my back.

"do you want to talk about it?" she asks politely with me wiping my tears and nodding as i get in.

"so tell me..?" she seems at a loss of words.

"Harry..he's hiding something and when i ask him, he..acts nutral but talks all irrelevant on the phone.." before i could even proceed further, i'm sobbing again.

"okay, its alright." she hugs me again.

"he..he calls me a bitch and..then tells me, he loves me. i mean, like what the actual fuck. if this is your love then its over." my voice sounds terrible.

she doesn't say anything, instead she hugs me again before taking me to the guest room and directs out. she understood that i need sometime alone.

my phone vibrates again for the millionth time and i hit ignore without even glancing at the name because its obviously harry. i have twenty three missed calls and fifteen texts. i roll my eyes, "bullshit." i say to myself. i'm a bitch right? then why caring so fucking much?

i decide to change into my pyjamas and a simple tshirt and relax for awhile but i know my mind won't work. i want to work things out. i know there's something that's so important for him to hide but what? and if harry's hiding it from me then there's something he doesn't want me to know. i need to know, atleast for his sake, i need to. he cannot face it alone and i sure as hell, won't endure him getting hurt, i don't care if I'm a bitch for him but he needs me.

Harry's P. O. V.

i grab to whatever catches my fists first and slip it over my neck and that's when i notice that i'm wearing a black tshirt with my usual black jeans.

i quickly twist the keys and head to wherever she can be before texting her i love you for the tenth time. where can she possibly go? to new york? no, she hates it there. to greenwood? she ain't close to him at all but what if she did.. i hastily dial his number and he picks it in one call.


"hello paul, its harry." i panick.

"are you okay haz?" he sounds worried.

"did scarlett came there?" i go straight to the point.

"no, why would she--" i cut the phone, i'm not in a position to hear to his stupid questions.

i rush my hands through my hair and call her once again, hoping that she'd pick up.

"c'mon babe, just listen to me." i say to myself. but she doesn't.

I fucked up big time.surely she wouldn't want to hear me. but..wait.. she may go to jane. ofcourse she would, she doesn't have anywhere else to go. I don't call her again and instead I'm parking outside the apartment and knocking the door with jane opening it a little late.


"yeah." i enter in ignoring her completely, "scarlett, I'm sorry." I scream hoping for her to hear it.

"scarlett's sleeping. she has had enough of today." jane says sternly.

"its none of your business." i split on her face.

"i know, and you really need to relax and lower your voice, you need to calm down." she says softly.

i ignore her and head directly upstairs, staring at the door open to her room. i taje a deep breqth before entering in, with her standing straight with a neutral expression, like nothing happen. this stern act of hers is enough to give me nightmares if she doesn't come home with me.

"baby please let me--" i reach for her soft hands but she jerks away.

"don't you baby me." she practically yells, folding her arms over her chest.

"scarlett, please listen to me once? please?" i'm litrally begging.

"listen to what? for you to call me names? for your i love yous, when you actually are hiding something?" she waves her hanfs in the air and i'm again blank.

"i..i ain't--" hell you! cutting my words off.

"don't styles, just don't! if you cannot share your problems with the person, whom you call your life then i guess, that person should no longer own that position." she's being way too civil now. trying so hard to hold her tears but is failing terribly.

"no no, babe, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for the harsh words..but they were just out of anger, i didn't mean to hurt you." i finally get ahold of her soft wrists, igniting energy and life through me. i know she can feel the butterflies inside her, the heat of my touch, the feeling she missed in just these few hours and i too know that she's trying to hide it. she actually forgot that i know her more then she knows herself. hell, i know she's hurt and i have to take her back home. i have to and i will, at the end she would have to give in.

sorrie for a late update. and guess what! i just got my best friend back! we were not at good terms since the time i last updated i guess! cant even explain how happie i am!! i love her so much! her name's pavni (my username). eeh!!
anyways, vote and conment.
I love you :* :*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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