Chapter - 5

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I set my files and all the stuff on my desk while continuously blushing cause' harry stares at me smirking. I get annoyed by his behaviour, "What the hell is your problem!" I yell at him.

"what did I do by the way?" smirking.

"oh yes! I got it you never do anything!" I roll my eyes.

"exactly" why can't he stop it.

"you!" I snort.

"Me what?" he laughes.

"I'm with you harry." Jane says, laughing.I give her a death glare. and I act like meet-me-in-the-lunch hall. and so she does. as soon as she comes, "what the hell!" I yell.

"what!" she tries to hide a smile but couldn't and laughs loudly.

"he's the guy whom I met at Emily's and got in a fucking fight." I say it without any full stop or a comma, in a race.

"what (laughs) harry! (laughs)"

"It. Is. Not. A. Joke." I roll my eyes.

"well if you're thinking that he's annoying and attitude king.. etc.etc. then let me correct you that he's none of them."

"joke." i roll my eyes.

"no seriously, he's probably the most handome boy in the company and he's super genius and smart and has a fabulous sense of humour, I admit (laughs) but besides this he's very kind and caring." she says praising the jerk.

"you want to fuck him?" I laugh.

"No!" she snorts.

"you sound like you are dying for it" I tease her.

we both walk back to the office chuckling and giggling. I could see his mocking face again but this time, a pen stuck in his teeth and his focus on a manuscript he's editing and he's looking cute with a pen in his mouth and a frown pictured on his face and his fingers rushing through his hair as if he's done something wrong or couldn't think of any idea to correct it. as soon as he spots us coming back his smile returns back and I can tell he saw me staring at him, for sure he did.

Jane goes to her desk and me on mine. just as I sit on my chair and start open a manuscript, he says "Thank you"

"For what?"I laugh dryly.

"For telling me that I'm cute."

"what! you and cute! and I didn't even told you." I laugh loudly this time.

"you did told me." he smirks.

"No!" with 'o' a bit long.

"you did when you were continuously staring at me with a faint smile. I can tell. and It probably means that I'm cute."he smirks. and my face turns red as I blush. I knew he had noticed it. I knew! I blush my cheeks red. I ignore his smirking and comments and focus on my manuscript. Its probably a bit kind of boring, I admit but I've to distract myself from harry.

It's just been an hour or two I don't exactly know cause' I was so much into that manuscript and Jane calls me, "c'mon scarly its break time."

"coming."I say while closing my manuscript and standing from my chair.

we both head to the lunch hall as she introduces me to everyone. All the employees sit in a group chatting to each other about something or the other but I can't find harry anywhere? where is he? I immediately stand up from my seat in search of harry. I head to main hall and to the corridor but he's nowhere to be found. I finally go to second floor maybe he's there. when I enter and push the glass door, I find him sitting on one of the seats near the door. They are arranged maybe for some other people for interviews and stuff. he has a book in his hand and a pencil. I couldn't tell which book but it surely is a novel. he notices me when I enter through the door, "oh scarlett" he says.

"um..hello" I reply. I honestly kind of nervous.

"hey! no need to be nervous or anything! I was just joking! you can sit with me by the way." he states calmly.

"um..yea" it makes me feel a little better.

"so?...Scarlett Crimson. you're from..."

"New York. I belong to new york and you..?"

"Me too." he says focused in his book.

"which book?"

"its Pride and prejudice and its my favourite."sometimes he's very annoying and sometimes he's very calm and sweet. he's pretty confusing.

"oh its my favourite too. I've read it like a million times."

"that's cool."

"what's your full name?"

"Harry Edward Styles. In short hazza."

"hazza, your nickname.its cute."


"so you're here from new york to portland. Isn't it strange?"

"I know it is but I'm here for my own identity. my father wants me to persue his career which I probably don't want to so I'm here and searchng for a car!" I laugh dryly.

"A car! well I can buy you a car. but it'll be second hand. my uncle has this kind of business. so..what say?"

"oh thank you so much it'll be great help." I jump in excitement.

"So tomorrow will be okay?" he asks with a smile. I can feel this feeling in me to know everything about him, his past, his siblings, committed or not, EVERYTHING.

"um..yea cool. when?" i ask.

"probably after work." he laughs dryly.

"um..okay." I say."well, I'm sorry for know." I myself don't know what came in my mind that I apologised.

"Oh that's alright. It was my fault also,though." he laughs again.

" I think lunch is over.. and we should drown ourselves again into work." I stand up from the chair.

"yeah" he follows me with my favourite book in his hand.

I go and sit on chair and start to read my left manuscript again, but now, harry is not staring, he is not smirking and nor he is smiling at me instead he is totally focused in his manuscript.This makes me feel somehow odd to sit and read it. I couldn't actually concentrate now. cause' maybe deep down, I liked when he stared at me, smiled at me. cause' I felt somehow its not possible for me to read it without.. him.

c'mon guys! Don't be a silent reader! please do vote and  comment it means a lot to me.
I'd love to read your comments.

besides don't copy it. its my idea. anyways, I'm adding harry's point of view. we only know about scarlett's feelings and we need to know whatever harry feels, so next chapter will include harry's point of view as well.

I love you all so much :* :*

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