Chapter - 16

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Harry's P. O. V.

the drive to my home is quick as I pull in the parking lot. I knock at the door twice when gem greets me with a smile. "how was your day?"

"pretty good." I answer.

"you haven't answered yet."

"I haven't answered what?"

"harry stop making excuses I know that you know, what I'm talking about."

"okay okay." I take a deep breath cause' I know I'm gonna hear a long lecture from her after this as I continue, " I got to know everything about it from scarlett cause' I don't remember it."

"what do you mean?" she puts her hands on her waist.

"I..I mean..I was drunk last night..and I...ended up at.. 4:00." I rush my hands through my hair.


"you're..not upset."

"no I'm just a little dissapointed that you're still on the same track. harry you have to move on. you have your life waiting and don't want to forget your dead love. harry you have to get off of her. she's dead and we can't change it even if we want to. its better for you if you'd forget her and live a happy life rather than crying nights to bed."

"I know and I'm trying." I blurt.

"you don't have to keep trying your whole life!"

"Yeah.I just need a little more time."

"two years weren't enough?"

"gem I know.. c'mon, you seem exhausted, just sit there." I hold her from the shoulder and help her to be seated. I hand her a glass water. "I'm going to get you the blankets."


"naah. I've already eaten." I lie. I rush to the stairs after giving the blankets to her and close the door shut behind me. I rush my fingers through my hair, "move on. yeah I have to. she's right." I race to my cupboard, pick out her picture and tear it into as smallest peices as I could and flush it in the toilet. I delete her pictures from my cell. I delete every aspect of her. " this is the only way." I say to myself.

I turn on the telivision to distract my mind. channel after channel.I stop at repeat telicast of 'friends'. I sleep on the corner of my bed while watching the episode.

Scarlett's P. O. V.

my sleep was interuppted by the beep of my phone as I slide the screen before reading the name, "hello?"

"hello scarlett, its erica from Greenwood publishing com--"

"dude, erica, I know you." I cut her mid sentence.

"I called you to tell you that today's off because Greenwood went for a meeting with some of his employees. please send my word to harry."

"okay. thank you for informing. I'll tell him."

"no worries. have a nice day darling."

"you too." I answer back.

I quickly call harry to tell him about the news. he answers on the second call. he was sleeping I bet at seven in the morning. "hello?"

"hello harry."

"hey.." his voice is deep and raspy and trust me I can die for this voice.

"you were sleeping don't you have to get ready?"

"I don't want an hour to get ready." he laughs dryly.

"getting to the point, today's off."

"oh woah! that's a good news. but why?"

"greenwood is attending a meeting that's why. by the way I was thinking to do some shopping. I need some new stuff It would be cool if you'd join." I probably want new clothes. the old ones are..well OLD!


" Its okay if you are not available." I cut him off.

"its not like that....okay..I'm coming." he sighs.

"ready at four." I say, its most of an order.

"okay cool." something's definitely wrong.

"what about gem?" I suddenly think about her. she can also join us.

"she's leaving in an hour. she has a flight for seattle."

"oh." I wanted to meet her.

"okay so meet you at four?"

"cool." he was a little bitter on the phone. what happened?

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