Learning the Beginnings, The First Day

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(Flashback- the First day)

It was Sylveon's first day at Pokémon High, and the campus was buzzing with the energy of a new school year. She moved through the crowded halls with her head down, avoiding eye contact and keeping to herself. Sylveon had always preferred solitude, finding comfort in her own thoughts rather than the noisy chatter of others.

As she walked to her first class, she couldn't help but notice the stares. Her elegant ribbons and delicate appearance stood out, drawing the attention of curious onlookers. Sylveon tried to ignore them, focusing instead on finding her classroom and getting through the day without any unnecessary interactions.

Her first class was history, and as she entered the room, she chose a seat at the back, hoping to remain unnoticed. The classroom filled up quickly, and soon the teacher, Mr. Farfetch'd, began the lesson. Sylveon listened intently, taking meticulous notes and avoiding the glances from her classmates.

During the lesson, a loud, cheerful voice broke the relative quiet of the room. Sylveon glanced up to see a shining Umbreon making his way to a seat near the front, his golden rings glowing faintly in the dim light. He greeted everyone with a big smile, exchanging jokes and high-fives with the other students. Sylveon watched him with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. How could someone be so... loud and friendly all the time?

As the class continued, Sylveon couldn't help but overhear Umbreon making casual, witty remarks that had the whole class laughing. She rolled her eyes, finding his behavior obnoxious. How could anyone take the lesson seriously with such a distraction in the room?

After history, it was time for lunch. Sylveon made her way to the cafeteria, picking a quiet corner to sit alone. She unpacked her lunch, hoping for a peaceful break from the noise. But peace was hard to find at Pokémon High, especially with Umbreon around.

From her secluded spot, Sylveon could see Umbreon in the center of the cafeteria, surrounded by a group of friends and admirers. He was animated, telling a story that had everyone in stitches. Sylveon frowned, taking a bite of her sandwich and wishing she could be anywhere but here.

Later that day, during gym class, Sylveon tried to stay out of the way, participating just enough to avoid drawing attention. Unfortunately, Umbreon was in the same class. As they played a game of dodgeball, Umbreon's agility and skill were on full display. He was everywhere at once, dodging balls and making spectacular throws. His popularity seemed to know no bounds, with Pokémon cheering for him from the sidelines.

At one point, Sylveon found herself face-to-face with Umbreon on the dodgeball court. He flashed her a friendly smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Hey there, new kid. Watch out for this one!" he called, launching a ball with precise aim.

Sylveon barely dodged the throw, her heart racing with a mix of adrenaline and irritation. Umbreon wasn't just loud and annoying; he was good at everything. She scowled, determined to stay out of his way.

By the end of the day, Sylveon was exhausted. She made her way to her locker, hoping to grab her things and head home without any further interruptions. As she reached her locker, she overheard Umbreon talking to some friends nearby.

"So, what do you think of the new girl?" Flareon asked, nudging Umbreon playfully.

Umbreon shrugged, his smile never faltering. "She seems quiet. Maybe a bit shy. But hey, everyone's got their own way of settling in. I'm sure she'll come around."

Sylveon felt a pang of frustration. She didn't need or want Umbreon's attention or his opinion. She just wanted to be left alone. As she closed her locker and walked away, she resolved to keep her distance from him. Little did she know, their paths would cross again and again, eventually leading to the unlikely friendship that had started to bloom in the present day.

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