Dodging Someone

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Eren's Pov

The cafeteria was its usual chaotic mess, but I didn't mind. I thrived in this environment. Flame and Spark were off getting food, leaving me to handle the usual crowd of admirers.

"Eren, you coming to the game this weekend?" a Lopunny from the basketball team asked.

"Wouldn't miss it," I said, flashing her a grin.

As she left, Alice slid into the seat next to me. "Handling your fan club as usual, I see."

I chuckled. "Yeah, something like that. How's your day going?"

"Not bad," Alice said, leaning in conspiratorially. "By the way, I heard Sera might join us for lunch today."

I felt a flicker of excitement. Sera had been opening up a bit more lately, and I was curious to see how she was doing. "Really? That's great."

Just then, Flame and Spark returned, their trays piled high with food. Flame handed me a sandwich. "Here you go, dude. The line was insane."

"Thanks, guys," I said, taking a bite.

We were chatting about our next practice when I spotted Sera entering the cafeteria. She looked a bit hesitant, scanning the room. I waved her over, hoping she'd join us.

Sera walked over, her expression guarded. She gave a small nod to the group and sat down next to me, leaving a noticeable gap between us.

"Hey, Sera," I said, trying to make her feel welcome. "Glad you could join us."

"Hi," she said softly, her eyes flicking around the table.

Alice leaned in with a mischievous grin. "So, Sera, did you know Eren here is quite the ladies' man?"

Sera raised an eyebrow, a hint of irritation in her eyes. "Really? I hadn't noticed."

Flame and Spark chuckled, but I shot Alice a look. "Come on, Alice, don't embarrass me."

Alice just laughed. "Relax, Eren. I'm just having fun."

We continued chatting, and I noticed Sera gradually relaxing, even if she did roll her eyes at some of Alice's jokes. Just as things were settling down, Lisa, the Glaceon with a huge crush on me, sauntered over.

"Hi, Eren," she purred, completely ignoring everyone else. "I was wondering if you could help me with my homework later?"

"Uh, sure, Lisa," I said, trying to be polite.

Sera's eyes narrowed, but she didn't say anything. Alice, however, wasn't so subtle. "Geez, Lisa, maybe Eren's a bit busy with, you know, his actual friends?"

Lisa shot her a glare. "Whatever, Alice. I'll see you later, Eren."

As Lisa walked away, I could feel the tension at the table. Flame and Spark were trying not to laugh, Alice looked ready to explode, and Sera... well, she just looked annoyed.

After lunch, we headed to our next class. Sera was walking a bit ahead, and I caught up with her. "Hey, Sera, everything okay?"

She glanced at me, her expression unreadable. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just not a fan of crowds, I guess."

I laughed. "Tell me about it. Lisa can be... intense."

Sera smirked. "You don't say."

As we walked, I noticed Alice hanging back, watching us with a curious look. It struck me that this whole situation was more complicated than I'd thought. Sera and Alice were great friends, but there was definitely some unspoken tension.

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