The Encounters

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Umbreon and Espeon stood in the hallway, the afternoon light filtering in through the windows. Umbreon, as always, wore his trademark friendly smile, and Espeon mirrored his expression with a big smile of her own.

"So, Umbreon," Espeon began, her voice filled with excitement, "your next soccer match is tomorrow, right?"

"Yep, it is!" Umbreon replied enthusiastically. "We're playing against the Linoone team. Should be a good match!"

Espeon’s eyes sparkled with enthusiasm, and a slight blush spread across her cheeks. "I can’t wait to see it. I know you'll do great."

Umbreon chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. "Thanks, Espeon. It means a lot to have your support. I’ll do my best."

Before Espeon could respond, Umbreon’s attention shifted. He spotted Jolteon across the hall, who was waving and calling out to him. Jolteon was his best friend, and their bond was evident in the way they interacted.

Umbreon turned back to Espeon, his smile apologetic. "Hey, Espeon, I see Jolteon over there. I need to catch up with him about something. Talk to you later, okay?"

Espeon’s smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "Of course, Umbreon. Good luck with the match preparations!"

"Thanks! See you!" Umbreon said before he jogged over to Jolteon.

As soon as Umbreon reached Jolteon, the two instantly began chatting animatedly, their laughter echoing down the hallway. They were clearly excited about something, probably another of Jolteon's infamous pranks or a new strategy for the game.

Espeon watched them for a moment, her smile fading slightly. She felt a pang of disappointment that her conversation with Umbreon had been cut short. She sighed softly, turning away and heading towards the garden, where she knew Sylveon often found solace.

While she walked, Espeon couldn’t shake the feeling of emptiness left by the abrupt end of her conversation with Umbreon. She hoped that one day, she might get to spend more uninterrupted time with him, without the constant interruptions of school life.

Espeon made her way to the garden, the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle scent of flowers soothing her frazzled nerves. As she entered, she spotted Sylveon sitting under a large oak tree, her elegant ribbons swaying in the breeze. Espeon approached her with a warm smile.

"Hey, Sylveon!" Espeon greeted, trying to hide her nervousness. "Mind if I join you?"

Sylveon looked up, her expression calm but a hint of tension in her demeanor. "Sure, Espeon. Sit down."

Espeon settled beside her, feeling a sense of peace wash over her in Sylveon's presence. They exchanged small talk, discussing the beauty of the garden and the upcoming festival. Despite the pleasant conversation, Espeon couldn't shake the nervous flutter in her stomach.

"Sylveon, I was wondering if you'd like to join me to watch Umbreon's soccer match tomorrow," Espeon blurted out suddenly, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Sylveon tensed slightly at the mention of Umbreon's name, her gaze flickering away. "Oh, um, I'm not sure, Espeon. I might have other plans."

Espeon's heart sank at Sylveon's response, but she tried to hide her disappointment. "Oh, okay. No problem. I just thought it would be nice to support him together."

Sylveon nodded, but her gaze remained distant. "Yeah, I understand. Thanks for inviting me, Espeon."

The conversation drifted to other topics, but Espeon couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She wished she could understand Sylveon's reluctance to join her. Was it because of Umbreon? Espeon couldn't help but wonder. As they sat in the peaceful garden, she made a silent vow to herself to find out the reason behind Sylveon's hesitation, even if it meant confronting her own feelings about Umbreon.

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