A Turning point - Unexpected Event

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The excitement at Pokémon High was palpable as the week of sports events kicked off. The school grounds were bustling with energy, and students from all classes were eager to watch and participate. Eren, Spark, and Flare were at the center of it all, their names constantly on everyone’s lips. They had always been a formidable team, and their camaraderie both on and off the field was legendary.

The main event everyone was looking forward to was the upcoming score match, but today was filled with various smaller competitions: relay races, obstacle courses, and more. Eren, Spark, and Flare had signed up for almost everything, and their spirits were high.

Sera’s Pov

I sat in the stands, watching the events unfold. The crowd’s cheers filled the air, but my focus was on Eren. It was impossible to ignore how effortlessly he moved, his natural athleticism drawing everyone’s attention. Even though I preferred quieter activities, there was something mesmerizing about watching him in his element.

Eren, Spark, and Flare were dominating every event they entered. They made an incredible team, and it was clear they were having the time of their lives. I found myself smiling despite my usual inclination to keep a low profile.

Eren’s Pov

The energy on the field was electric. Every time I looked up at the stands, I could see the excited faces of our classmates. It was a rush, and knowing that Sera was up there watching made it even better.

"Next up, the obstacle course!" the announcer’s voice boomed over the speakers. Spark, Flare, and I exchanged excited grins. This was our favorite event, and we were ready to give it our all.

As we lined up at the starting point, I glanced at Sera again. She was sitting with Alice and some other friends, but her eyes were on me. I felt a surge of determination. I wanted to impress her, to show her just how much fun we could have together.

Third Person

The whistle blew, and the trio took off. The obstacle course was a challenging one, filled with hurdles, climbing walls, and balance beams. Eren led the way with Spark and Flare close behind, each of them navigating the course with skill and agility.

The crowd roared as they approached the final stretch. Eren vaulted over the last hurdle, landing smoothly on the other side. Spark and Flare followed suit, and together they crossed the finish line, securing yet another victory.

As they celebrated, a buzz went through the crowd. The highlight of the day was approaching: the announcement of the teams for the score match, the event everyone had been waiting for.

Alice’s Pov

I watched Eren with a mix of admiration and something I couldn’t quite identify. He was amazing, and seeing him so happy made my heart swell. But then I remembered why I was here. I needed to talk to Sera, to understand what was going on between them.

As the crowd settled down after the obstacle course, I turned to Sera. "Hey, want to grab something to drink?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

She nodded, and we made our way to the concession stand. I knew this was my chance to bring up Eren without making it too obvious.

Sera’s Pov

Alice and I found a quiet spot away from the noise to sip our drinks. She seemed unusually quiet, which was rare for her.

"So," Alice began, her tone light but her eyes serious, "Eren's been really amazing out there, huh?"

I nodded, unsure where she was going with this. "Yeah, he always is."

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