Internal Struggles and Confrontations

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Lisa’s Pov

(Standing alone, after seeing our pair)

I couldn't get the image of Eren and Sera together out of my mind. Seeing them laughing and enjoying each other's company at the ice cream shop had left a bitter taste in my mouth, one that no amount of sweet treats could wash away. As I lay in bed that night, I tried to make sense of my feelings. It wasn’t easy. Eren had always been friendly with everyone, but I had hoped that maybe, just maybe, there was something special between us. Now, I wasn’t so sure.

The next day at school, I found myself avoiding Eren. I couldn’t bear to see him and Sera together, even though I knew it was irrational. They had every right to be friends, but my heart ached at the thought. I decided to confide in Alice, hoping she might help me sort through my emotions.

"Alice, can we talk?" I asked during lunch, my voice trembling slightly.

Alice looked up from her lunch, concern evident in her eyes. "Of course, Lisa. What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "It's about Eren. I saw him with Sera yesterday, and… I don’t know, it just really got to me."

Alice frowned, putting down her sandwich. "What happened? Did they say something to you?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "They didn’t even see me. They were just… together. Eating ice cream and laughing. It made me realize that maybe Eren and I never had anything special."

Alice reached across the table and took my hand. "Lisa, I know it's hard. But you can't let this eat you up inside. Maybe you should talk to Eren about how you feel."

"I tried that," I said, my voice breaking. "I tried to get close to him, to show him how I feel, but it never worked. He’s just friendly with everyone. Maybe I’ve been fooling myself all this time."

Alice squeezed my hand gently. "Sometimes, things don’t work out the way we want them to. But you’re strong, Lisa. You’ll get through this."

I nodded, appreciating her words but still feeling a deep sense of loss. "Thanks, Alice. I just need some time to process all this."

Third Person

Lisa spent the next few days in a fog of emotions. She tried to focus on her studies, to distract herself with schoolwork and extracurricular activities, but her mind kept drifting back to Eren. She watched him from a distance, noticing how he interacted with everyone, not just Sera. It was clear he was just being his usual friendly self, but it didn’t make things any easier.

One afternoon, Lisa decided to take a walk to clear her head. She found herself at the same ice cream shop where she had seen Eren and Sera. The memories of that day flooded back, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, not wanting to break down in public.

As she walked along the path lined with trees, she thought about all the times she had tried to get close to Eren. She had always tried to flirt, to compliment him, to make him notice her in a special way. But now, looking back, she realized that maybe she had been too focused on making him see her in a certain light, rather than just being herself.

Lisa’s Pov

I sat down on a bench, feeling the weight of my emotions pressing down on me. Was I even close to Eren? Did he see me as a friend, or was I just another face in the crowd? These questions kept swirling in my mind, and I didn’t have any answers.

I had to face the truth, again: Eren was just friendly with everyone. He didn’t have a special place for me, at least not the way I wanted. I had tried so hard to be someone he would notice, but in the process, I had lost sight of myself.

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