Movie Night

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Sera is sitting with Alice, enjoying a quiet lunch. Eren is across the cafeteria, surrounded by his usual group of friends, including Lisa and Spark. Sera is trying to ignore Eren, but her eyes keep drifting towards him.

Sera's Pov

Sitting with Alice in the cafeteria, I tried to focus on our conversation, but my eyes kept drifting over to where Eren was sitting. He was surrounded by his usual group of friends, including Lisa and Spark. Lisa was laughing at something Eren said, her eyes shining with admiration.

Alice noticed my distraction and followed my gaze. "Looks like someone's a bit jealous," she teased, nudging me.

"I'm not jealous," I insisted, rolling my eyes. "I just find it annoying how he always has a crowd around him."

"Sure, sure," Alice said with a smirk. "You know, you could always go over and join them."

"No thanks," I muttered, picking at my salad. "I prefer my peace and quiet."

Just then, Eren looked up and caught my eye. He grinned and waved, completely oblivious to the daggers I was mentally throwing his way. Before I could react, he got up and started walking towards us.

Great, here we go, I thought.

Eren plopped down in the empty seat next to me, his usual cheerful self. "Hey, Sera! Hey, Alice!"

"Hey, Eren," Alice said, smiling warmly at him. "What's up?"

"Not much. Just thought I'd come over and say hi," Eren said, turning his attention to me. "So, Sera, what's new? Enjoying your lunch?"

"Yeah, it's fine," I said, trying to keep my tone neutral.

Alice, always the social butterfly, decided to stir the pot a little. "You know, Eren, Sera here has been talking about you non-stop."

I shot her a glare, but she just winked at me.

"Oh really?" Eren said, his grin widening. "What have you been saying about me, Sera?"

"Nothing worth repeating," I replied, giving Alice a warning look.

Eren laughed, clearly amused by the whole situation. "Well, I was just telling Lisa and Spark about this new movie that's coming out. I think you might like it, Sera. It's about these legendary Pokémon and their epic battles."

"That sounds interesting," Alice said, nudging me again. "Doesn't it, Sera?"

I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to win this. "Yeah, it sounds alright."

"Awesome! We should all go see it together," Eren said enthusiastically. "It'll be fun!"

Before I could protest, Lisa walked over, her eyes narrowing slightly when she saw Eren sitting with us. "Hey, Eren, we were wondering where you went. Come back and join us, won't you?"

Eren looked at me, then back at Lisa. "Actually, I was thinking we could all hang out together. What do you say, Sera?"

I could feel Lisa's eyes boring into me, and a part of me wanted to say no just to spite her. But I couldn't deny that Eren's enthusiasm was contagious. "Alright, why not," I said finally.

Eren beamed. "Great! Let's make it a plan then."

As Lisa walked away, I couldn't help but feel a small sense of victory. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.

As the school day ended, Eren caught up with me as I was leaving the library. "Hey, Sera, about that movie night-how about this Friday?"

"Friday sounds good," I replied, trying to sound casual.

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