Evening Walk

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Eren quickened his pace, weaving through the sparse evening crowd to catch up with Sera. He called out to her, "Hey, Sera!"

She turned, her expression a mix of surprise and guardedness. "Oh, hi, Eren," she replied, her tone polite but not particularly enthusiastic.

Undeterred, Eren smiled warmly. "Where are you headed?"

"Just going for a walk to clear my mind," Sera answered, keeping her reply brief.

"Mind if I join you?" Eren asked, already falling into step beside her.

Sera hesitated for a moment, but then shrugged. "Sure, why not."

As they walked together, the chilly evening air filled with the sound of their footsteps. Eren tried to break the ice, sensing Sera's reserved demeanor. "So, how was your day?" he asked, glancing at her with genuine curiosity.

"It was fine," Sera replied, her eyes forward. "Nothing too exciting."

Eren nodded, looking for a way to keep the conversation going. "Well, my day was pretty interesting. Flare, Spark, and I were planning to hit the gym, but I saw you and thought I'd say hi."

Sera glanced at him, a small flicker of curiosity in her eyes. "You skipped the gym for this?"

Eren chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I did. Just felt like a walk sounded better."

They continued down the path, the conversation flowing a bit easier now. "So, do you have any plans for the weekend?" Eren asked, genuinely interested.

"Not really," Sera said, her tone softening slightly. "Probably just read a book or relax."

"That sounds nice," Eren said, smiling. "I've been meaning to catch up on some reading myself. Maybe you could recommend something?"

Sera thought for a moment, then nodded. "Sure, I have a few favorites I think you might like."

As they walked, the initial awkwardness began to fade. Eren's easygoing nature seemed to draw Sera out of her shell, even if just a little. They talked about books, school, and other mundane things, but the simplicity of the conversation made it pleasant.

Eventually, they reached a small park where they decided to sit on a bench. The cold wind rustled the leaves, but the shared moment felt warm. Eren glanced at Sera, noticing the way her expression had softened.

"I'm glad we had this walk," he said sincerely. "It's nice getting to know you better, Sera."

Sera looked at him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Yeah, it wasn't so bad."

Eren laughed lightly. "High praise coming from you."

She rolled her eyes playfully but didn't disagree. As they sat there, a comfortable silence settled between them, the beginnings of a deeper connection starting to form.

Eren's grin widened as an idea struck him. "Hey, Sera, want to get some ice cream?"

Sera glanced at him, her brows furrowing slightly. "Ice cream? It's pretty cold out, Eren."

He shrugged, undeterred. "Yeah, but that makes it even better. Come on, it'll be fun. My treat."

She hesitated, looking around as if searching for an excuse. "I don't know..."

Eren put on his best puppy-dog eyes. "Please? Just one scoop. It'll be worth it, I promise."

Sera sighed, a small smile playing at her lips. "Fine, fine. But only because you won't stop pestering me."

"Great! Let's go," Eren said, his excitement palpable.

The two of them walked along the footpath, flanked by trees whose leaves rustled in the evening breeze. They talked about their classes, the latest gossip at school, and the upcoming sports events. Sera found herself gradually relaxing, her initial reluctance melting away with every step.

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