Fresh New Day

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A Few Days Later

It was a typical bustling morning at Pokémon High. Eren and Spark were strolling down the corridor, their laughter echoing off the walls as they shared jokes and stories from the weekend.

"So, did you see how I nailed that shot?" Spark, the Jolteon, said with a grin.

Eren chuckled, his golden rings glowing faintly. "You got lucky, Spark. Next time, I'll be the one scoring the winning goal."

Just then, Flare, the Flareon, joined them. "Hey, guys! What's all this talk about winning goals without me?" he teased, falling into step beside them.

"Well, we all know who carries the team," Eren replied with a smirk, nudging Flare playfully.

The three of them continued their banter as they made their way to class. Eren, as usual, became the center of attention the moment he walked into the room. His popularity was unmatched, but he didn’t let it go to his head. He simply acknowledged the greetings and waves with a casual smile and focused on his friends.

Flare and Spark sat beside him, their friendship forming a tight-knit trio that everyone admired. They were inseparable, always supporting each other in and out of the classroom. The bond they shared was something special, a perfect blend of camaraderie and friendly competition.

As the class settled down, Eren could feel the usual mix of admiration and curiosity directed his way. He glanced over at Spark, who was already doodling in his notebook, and Flare, who was half-listening to the teacher while tapping his foot impatiently.

“Hey, Flare,” Eren whispered, leaning slightly. “Wanna hit the gym after school?”

Flare nodded eagerly. “Absolutely. Spark, you in?”

Spark looked up from his doodles. “Count me in. Gotta stay in shape for the next match, right?”

Their conversation was interrupted by the teacher calling for attention. Eren settled back into his seat, his mind wandering briefly to the game they had planned for the afternoon. Despite being the center of attention, he valued these moments with his friends the most. They kept him grounded and provided a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of high school life.

During the lesson, Eren noticed the occasional glance from Sera, who sat a few rows behind him. She seemed more observant today, her eyes following his every move with a mix of curiosity and something else he couldn’t quite place. He smiled to himself, remembering their recent conversation and the subtle shift in their relationship. It felt good to have her opening up more, even if just a little.

After class, Eren, Spark, and Flare headed to the courtyard. They found a spot under a large tree and sat down, enjoying the brief respite before their next class.

“So, what’s the plan for the gym today?” Spark asked, stretching his legs out in front of him.

“Same as always,” Eren replied. “A little cardio, some weights, and then maybe a quick game of basketball.”

Flare grinned. “You just want another chance to beat me, don’t you?”

“Of course,” Eren said with a laugh. “Gotta keep you on your toes.”

As they sat there, the trio’s easy camaraderie drew the attention of passersby. Eren’s popularity was undeniable, but it was the genuine friendship between the three that made them truly stand out. They were a team, both on and off the field, and their bond was something everyone admired.

As the day went on, Eren found himself thinking about the various relationships in his life. His friendships with Spark and Flare were rock-solid, but the evolving dynamic with Sera intrigued him. He enjoyed their conversations and was curious to see where things would go. Meanwhile, Lisa’s recent changes and Alice’s subtle affections added layers of complexity to his social life.

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