Treat at Café

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Sera’s Pov

The next day, the excitement was palpable in the air. The school's soccer field was buzzing with energy as students gathered to watch Eren and the team play. Eren's popularity was on full display; a crowd of Pokémon, mostly female, cheered and waved banners with his name on them. Among them were Lisa, the Glaceon, and Alice, who stood a bit further back, her feelings carefully hidden behind her usual bright smile.

I, on the other hand, found a spot under the shade of a tree, close enough to see the game but far enough to avoid the throng of Eren's admirers. Spark, was already in the thick of things, hyping up the crowd with his boundless energy.

As the game started, it was clear why Eren was so popular. He moved with a grace and confidence that was almost mesmerizing, easily outmaneuvering opponents and setting up plays. Even I had to admit he was impressive.

The match was intense, and the opposing team was giving it their all. At one point, Eren took a hard hit and fell to the ground. The crowd gasped, and I felt a strange knot of worry in my stomach. Eren, however, got up with a grin, shaking it off and continuing to play as if nothing had happened.

Alice, standing nearby, clenched her paws, clearly concerned but trying to maintain her composure. Lisa, not as subtle, practically screamed, "Go, Eren!" every time he touched the ball, her crush on him blatantly obvious.

During a break in the game, Eren walked over to the sidelines, wiping sweat from his brow. Lisa seized the moment, rushing over to him with a bottle of water. "Here, Eren! You must be thirsty," she said, her eyes shining.

Eren accepted the water with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Lisa. That’s really sweet of you."

Alice watched from a distance, her expression a mix of admiration and longing. She didn't move to approach him, though. Instead, she caught my eye and gave a small, knowing smile.

The game ended with Eren’s team winning by a narrow margin, and the crowd erupted in cheers. As Eren celebrated with his teammates, Spark dashed over to me, his fur crackling with excitement. "Did you see that, Sera? Eren was amazing!"

I nodded, unable to deny it. "Yeah, he was pretty good."

Eren finally broke away from the crowd and made his way over to us. His eyes lit up when he saw me. "Hey, Sera! Did you enjoy the game?"

I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant. "It was alright."

Spark laughed, clapping Eren on the back. "Alright? Come on, Sera, he was awesome!"

Eren grinned, looking genuinely pleased. "Glad you think so, Spark. Hey, what do you guys say to celebrating at the café later? My treat."

Lisa, who had been hovering nearby, immediately perked up. "I'd love to join!"

Alice nodded, her usual bright smile back in place. "Sounds like fun. Count me in."

I hesitated, but seeing Alice and the others so excited, I finally agreed. "Sure, why not."

Eren's Pov - At the Café

The café was bustling as we all found a cozy booth in the corner. I, Eren, was in my element, surrounded by friends and laughter. Lisa sat close to me, her eyes practically glued to my every move, while Alice and Sera settled across from us.

"So, what are we getting?" I asked, looking around the table.

Lisa leaned in, her eyes sparkling. "How about we share a couple of sundaes? They're amazing here!"

Alice nodded in agreement. "Sounds good to me. And maybe some fries to share?"

Sera shrugged, clearly less enthused but not wanting to spoil the mood. "Sure, whatever."

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