Dawn is Not only Start of a New day, But also a New Journey

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I sat at the edge of the cliff, the wind whipping around me, making my clothes flutter and my fur dance wildly. The sky was a deep, melancholic gray, the kind of gray that matched my mood perfectly. Clouds loomed overhead, threatening rain, and the ocean waves crashed violently against the rocks below, mirroring the turmoil inside me.

"How could I be so careless?" I muttered to myself, staring at the photo in my hand. The edges of the picture were slightly frayed, but it still held the memories of the most treasured moments of my life. I traced a finger over the faces in the photo, feeling a pang of nostalgia and regret.

My mind drifted back to the game, the moment I realized my locker was open, and the panic that had set in. I had bolted off the field, not caring about the confusion and anger I left behind. The image in this photo was too precious to lose, too important to risk.

Now, as I sat here, away from everyone and everything, I felt a strange mix of relief and sorrow. The silence was both a balm and a curse. I wanted to scream into the void, but no words came out. Instead, I sat there, lost in thought, the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

As I gazed out at the endless expanse of the ocean, my thoughts raced. Spark and Flare’s relentless questioning, the disappointment in their eyes, and Sera’s betrayal—it all played on a loop in my mind. I couldn't escape it. The memory of Sera’s tearful face haunted me the most. I had trusted her, let her in, and she had conspired with the others.

I knew I had to make a decision. Staying here, wallowing in my misery, wasn't an option. But returning to them, facing their questions and accusations, felt equally unbearable. I couldn’t trust them anymore. The bond we once shared seemed irreparably broken.

"I can't go back," I whispered to myself. The words felt like a finality, a closure to a chapter I wasn’t ready to end but had no choice.

Standing up, I pocketed the photo carefully, ensuring it was safe. I took one last look at the cliff, the sea, the sky. This place had given me clarity. It was time to leave, to start anew somewhere else. Somewhere I could rebuild myself without the shadows of betrayal lurking around every corner.

As I walked away from the cliff, I felt a strange sense of resolve. My heart was heavy, but my mind was made up. I couldn’t stay here, not with the memories, the pain, and the constant reminder of what I had lost.

I made my way to the town, avoiding familiar places, keeping my head down. I couldn’t risk running into anyone. Not yet. I needed time, space, distance. The farther I got, the better I felt, the lighter the burden became.

By the time I reached the train station, I was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. I bought a one-way ticket to a city far away, a place where no one knew me, Anymore, where I could start over. As I boarded the train, I felt a mix of relief and fear. This was it. I was leaving everything behind.

Settling into my seat, I looked out the window, watching as the town I once called home faded into the distance. The train chugged forward, carrying me away from the pain, the betrayal, the memories. I knew this decision would worsen the situation, that it would hurt those I left behind. But I needed this. I needed to find myself again, to heal on my own terms.

As the train sped away, I closed my eyes, the photo still safe in my pocket. I had made my choice. It was time to face the consequences.

The cafe was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the bustling chatter that usually filled the air. Spark, Flare, Lisa, Alice, and Sera sat around a table, their expressions somber. The empty seat where Eren would have sat was a painful reminder of his absence.

"I can't believe we still haven't found him," Alice said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lisa nodded, her eyes red from crying. "We've looked everywhere. He’s nowhere to be found."

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