The Game and ??? what....

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The whistle blew, signaling the start of the game. The crowd roared with excitement, but as soon as the game began, it was clear that Eren, Spark, and Flare were in for a tough battle.

The opposing team was relentless. Every move Eren made was countered almost immediately. Spark's usual speed was met with equal agility, and Flare's powerful strikes were blocked effortlessly.

"Come on, guys, we need to focus!" Eren shouted, trying to rally his teammates.

Spark nodded, determination in his eyes. "We can do this!"

Flare gritted his teeth. "We have to!"

Just a few minutes into the game, disaster struck. Two of their teammates collided with the opposing players and went down hard. The crowd gasped as the referees called for an immediate timeout. Medical personnel rushed onto the field, and the injured players were carried off on stretchers.

The trio made their way to the bench, sweat pouring down their faces. They were already exhausted, and the game had barely begun.

"This isn't good," Eren muttered, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

Spark slumped onto the bench, breathing heavily. "Those guys are monsters. I don't know if we can keep up."

Flare looked at his friends, concern in his eyes. "We can't give up. We have to find a way to turn this around."

Eren suddenly stood up. "I need to check on something. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Spark and Flare looked at him in surprise. "Where are you going?" Spark asked.

"Just trust me," Eren said, already moving away from the bench.

Spark and Flare watched Eren leave, confused but hopeful that he had a plan. They tried to catch their breath and reassess their strategy.

"Do you think he's okay?" Flare asked, looking worried.

"Yeah, he probably just needs a moment," Spark replied, though he didn't sound convinced.

After a few more minutes, they decided to leave the bench as well. "Let's go find him. We need to stick together," Spark said.

Flare nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go."

Spark and Flare walked through the corridor, looking for their friend. They passed by the locker rooms and into the hallway leading to the outdoor practice area.

"Where do you think he went?" Flare asked, glancing around.

"No idea, but we can't just sit around waiting," Spark replied, determination in his voice.

As they turned a corner, they finally spotted Eren in the distance, standing alone near the garden area where he and Sera often studied.

Sera’s Pov

I had been watching the game, feeling every hit and struggle as if it were my own. When the players got injured, my heart sank. Seeing Eren, Spark, and Flare on the bench, exhausted and dejected, was hard to bear.

I saw Eren walk away from the bench, and something told me to follow him. I knew he needed support, and I couldn't just sit by and do nothing.

Eren looked up as Spark and Flare approached him. He was deep in thought, clearly troubled by the way the game was going.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Spark asked, concern in his voice.

Eren sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I just needed a moment to clear my head. This game... it's not going as planned."

Flare placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure it out. We always do."

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