[Episode One]-Beginning

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Hoshiko was sitting up in her bed, sitting on her phone when her alarm went off at 5:30 AM. Signifying that she needed to get up and eat her breakfast. The girl sighed, before standing up and getting into a work-out gear. 

"ARE YOU UP, KOKO?" A loud, woman's voice echoed through the large Japanese style house. "Of course mom" Hoshiko rubbed her eyes, pretending that she wasn't awake for hours on end. While her mom placed a plate of food in front of her, when she heard something on the news. 

"Today, we are here today talking to a teenage boy who survived a villain!" Hoshiko tilted her head to the side, as she saw a blonde haired boy who looked extremely annoyed. Hoshiko scoffed, and rolled her eyes- not paying attention anymore.

"Oh, that poor boy!" Hoshiko's mom pouted, placing her hand on her chest- when suddenly her husband walked down the stairs with a cup of coffee in his hands. 

"It's his fault for getting in the way of a villain, Miyu" Hoshiko scoffed, and ate her food. "Oh!! Don't be like that Haruto!" The wife hugged herself, and Hoshiko stood up.

"Lets get this other with, father. Today is the Yuuei entrance exam" Haruto scoffed just like his daughter, and messed with his sharp pointed ears. "I am still angry they didn't accept my recommendation" 

Hoshiko rolled her eyes, and stretched. "Lets get this over with" The 14 year old girl walked off into the training room. Father and daughter walked in, and Hoshiko tapped the ground gently. 

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Hoshiko sat on the ground, panting intensely. She's been working on her Quirk for years, being able to do so meant she's been able to beat her father for the first time ever..

"You did it kid" Haruto looked down at his daughter, and she weakly smiled at him.. before standing up, her legs buckling. Hoshiko kept herself steady while her father watched her closely. 

"Go get into a different pare of gym clothes, and make sure you bring your water pouch" The 14 year old girl nodded her head once, before getting off and getting ready. She was prepared to be accepted into the best Hero school in Japan...

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Hoshiko was walking into the school, when a boy wearing an all black middle school uniform- and a bright yellow backpack was about to slip and fall- Hoshiko was about to jump forward and use some of her water to save him- but she immediately calmed down when a brown haired girl used her quirk on him..

Levitating him up into the air. "Oh" Hoshiko whispered, tilting her head to the side. "Heh- Are you okay?" The girl asked, tilting her head to the side, as the green haired boy started to flair his body around in fear. 

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