[Episode Five]-Intense Worry

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Bakugo was standing in front of Midoriya, and the poor boy was shaking. His entire body was shaking like a babies toy. Hoshiko rubbed her lower arm gently, watching them argue. 

"I wonder why he hates Midoriya so much" Hoshiko stared at the screen. "He seems like a very nice boy" Shouto glanced at her, and just shrugged. 

Hoshiko pouted, crossing her arms and watching them intently. Before giggling at Iida's angry stomps. "Hey, whose Bakugo talking to?" Hoshiko turned to the boy. 

"He's talking to Iida." She answered him, before looking back at the screen. "I'm not hearing anything, can we get any sound with this video?" Shark Boy asked All Might, tilting his head trying to understand what they're saying.

"He's got a radio in his ear so he can talk to his partner. I gave it to them before the match started. Along with the map of the building. Also this" He pulled out a roll of tape. 

"A roll of capture tape. Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them. And they're out for the rest of the game" Hoshiko glanced up at the clock, they have 12 minutes left. 

"So, there's a 15 minute time limit. And the good guys have no idea what level the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Pinky asked, tilting her head to the side and placing her hands on her hips. 

"Then the heroes are clearing on a disadvantage here, a big one!!" Pinky's eyes went wide, All Might hummed- tilting his head to the side. 

"Real Pro's have to out-wit villains on a daily basis. That's life" He looked down at the girl, "Even when the odd's are not in our favor. We fight!!" The class nods their heads, 

"ALL TOGETHER!!" All Might throws his fist into their air, the class throwing their with them.. Shouto only half way putting his arm up until Hoshiko grabbed onto his hand to lift it up with hers. 

"Lets hear a PLUS ULTRA!!" The class said all together, until Sparkly boy said. "Monsieur, he's on the move" All Might hummed, and turned to the screen. 

Bakugo started to fight with Midoriya, while Uraraka made a run for it to look for the weapon. Bakugo had kicked Midoriya but he had blocked his face, catching his leg in the process.

Midoriya had tried to wrap the capture tape around his leg, but Bakugo was able to get out of it rather fast. Hoshiko gasped, placing her hands on her chest. 

As Bakugo tried to swing at him again, Midoriya was able to dive out of the way. Making Hoshiko's eyes sparkle, Midoriya was going to be an amazing hero. She could feel it. Glancing up at Uraraka, she was running all over the place. 

Looking in every room in hopes to find Iida and the bomb. Looking up at Iida, he was already working on moving all of the floatable objects away from her line of sight. 

Midoriya suddenly made a run for it, causing Hoshiko to shift her attention back to him- Bakugo running right after him. Hoshiko hummed, placing her thumb against her bottom lip. 

"Did you notice something, Koko?" Shouto whispered to her, and the girl nodded her head. "Yeah.. I've noticed that Midoriya might be quick on his feet but I can clearly see he's not used to this.. As I've said before.. like he's never even trained before"

Shouto turned his gaze back to the screen, watching Midoriya closely. "You're right." Hoshiko nodded her head, her eyes never once wavering from Midoriya's running body.

For a moment, she glanced at Bakugo's screen. Realizing that he was lost, Hoshiko chuckled. 

"That guy has some real anger issues" Kaminari said, crossing his arms over his chest. Hoshiko looked at Bakugo, firing his Quirk for no reason only but to use it out of anger. 

"Yeah, it's kinda scary" Kaminari added, rubbing the back of his neck- making Hoshiko add. "He's not scary" Everyone looked at her, and she added. 

"He's just Prideful." She sighed, glancing at the screens. "From what I could tell from only knowing him for a day, you can clearly see that people have been praising him for his Quirk for years- liking the reason for his inflated ego." 

Sero nodded his head, "Yeah.. erm.. She's right" He looked down at me, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry, I don't remember your name" She shook her head. 

"No need." 

"Oh." He whispered, a small blush tinted his cheeks before looking up at the screen again. 

Midoriya was sitting down, breathing heavy. He's been running for a hot minute, so it would be likely that he's running low on energy. Bakugo was going around, room to room, just blowing the doors down. 

While Uraraka ran around like a headless chicken trying to find out where the hell the bomb was. Hoshiko glanced up at Iida, who looked extremely bored. Bakugo continued to walk around with his fists' clenched. 

Uraraka had finally walked around a corner, seeing the weapon. Hoshiko yawned, rubbing her eyes- feeling rather tired. So she sat down, and pulled Shouto to sit next to her for a headrest. Closing her eyes.. she fell asleep for the rest of the match..

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(I'm gettin' lazy 😍)
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Suddenly, there was a loud and large explosion that woke up Hoshiko. Causing her to jump awake, which startled Shouto. 

"What the hell was that!?" She yelled, looking up at the screen to see Midoriya with a broken arm, and he looked to be completely fried. Her eyes went wide, and she covered her mouth at the rather gruesome sight. 

Unable to remove her eyes, tears filled her eyes as the boy was shaking and then he suddenly fell to the ground. Bakugo was shaking too, his fists were clenched tight. 

"What the hell was he thinking!?" Hoshiko yelled, staring at the burn on his left arm- and his very much shattered right arm. 

Everyone in the room's mouth was wide open, watching them closely. All Might clenched the microphone in his hands, before saying. 

"The Hero team WINS!!!" Hoshiko's hands were shaking, feeling a sense of worry over the boys in the room. 

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word count-- 1059

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