[Episode Fifteen]-Cavalry Battles

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Hoshiko clung onto Shouto's arm as they all waited for further instructions. Hoshiko glanced at the shaking boy, before Midnight had started speaking again. 

"Here are the rules you will abide by. The game itself will have 15 minutes, individual points will be added together to have your team value. Everyone will know how much you are worth thanks to your headband" Everyone was staring at the screen, that showed All Might wearing a headband with the number 50 on it.

"Swip as many headbands as you can to raise your teams score. Stolen headbands must be warm from the neck up. So the more you steal! The harder it is to manage them. And another thing, even if your headband gets stolen, or team falls down, you can keep playing until times up!" Midnight stuck her whip into the group of students.

Hoshiko looked up at her cousin, who was glaring at students around them to see who else could be in his group. 

"This is going to be rough, you may use your Quirks as much as you like!" Midnight said with a very large smile. "But there are still rules, make a team fall on purpose- and I'll slap you with the right card.. YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED." 

Hoshiko pouted, no longer finding the game fun. "Now! You have 15 minutes to build your teams! I recommend you get started" Hoshiko held Shouto's hand tightly.

He nodded his head, knowing that their Quirks matched perfectly together. He looked around, and sighed before people started to group with us. On Hoshiko's group; there's Iida, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari. Along side Shouto of course.

They already knew how they were going to hold people up. Hoshiko glanced to the side as Midoriya cried over Ochaco. When suddenly they came running over to Iida. 

"Iida!" Midoriya tapped his shoulder, and Hoshiko placed her hands behind her back as she watched them closely. Suddenly, he was pulled into a circle and was told their plan.

Hoshiko laughed, placing her hand on her chin. Before they stood up, and Ochaco looked at Hoshiko. The girl noticed that she wanted to ask her, but Ochaco already knew she was gonna be with her family.

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After the 15 minutes finally rang up, Hoshiko hugged herself tightly. "Oh Good! It's time to get this party started!" Midnight said, as she stretched her arms to the side.

Hoshiko sighed, and Shouto spoke. "We need the most stable combination possible. Kaminari, you're our left wing. He can use his Quirk to keep the enemies at bay. Yaoyorozu, you'll take the right wing. Focus on insolation, and defense. Iida, you'll take the front. We will rely on you for mobility and physical defense. Hoshiko, you will be behind me, defending us from the back" Hoshiko clenched her fist, and nodded her head.

"And you will be attacking and creating diversions of ice and fire, is that right?" Iida asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Hoshiko flinched at the mention of his fire ability.

"Not quite. When I am in battle, I never use my left side" Shouto and Hoshiko looked up, making eye contact with the very large Fire Hero. 

Suddenly the entire stadium erupted in a very large cheer.  Hoshiko's back was to Shouto as she leaned her back against him.



Hoshiko clenched her fists, "BEGIN!" Midnight screamed, and everyone ran in. Towards Midoriya. Tokoyami  being in the front, he was being used accordingly. 

His dark shadow ability appeared next to him, and his teammates started talking to each other as all the groups tried to run in. While doing so, Hoshiko would attempt to move the air around them in an attempt to pull the headbands off the peoples heads. And it was working wonders.

Suddenly, one of the students in class 1-B activated their Quirk, making Midoriya's team start to sink into the ground. He pressed a button that was attached to his back- sending his group flying into the air. 

Hoshiko's team was going around, and picking a bunch of headbands from behind peoples backs.. but she was started to struggle to grab anymore due to her beck being taken up. 

"You guys need to start grabbing some too!" She scolded her group.

After checking all the points a few minutes in, Midoriya and Shouto's team were the only class 1-A teams that were actually doing good. Even Bakugo's team was at 0 points. 

Bakugo started screaming at one of the blonde hair boy from class 1-B. Hoshiko was staring at everyone, holding onto all of the headbands she had gotten. From her own classmates too.

Shouto's eyes never once left Midoriya, but Hoshiko was the reason no one's been able to snatch their headbands. Her Quirk was perfect to push people away.

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