[Episode Three]-Quirk Assessment

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All the teachers of Yuuei sat in front of a screen, watching all of the students that participated. 

"Woah~" One of the female teachers cooed. "Look at that, the first place student didn't even have any rescue points!" All the teachers looked at the screen. 

"He took down those foe villains like an ace! While the rest of the examinees were running from the big obstacles, he stayed focus on letting the smaller targets get in close before attacking. That kid is tough!" 

"On the opposite end, the kid in 7th place had 0 villain points--"

They continued to talk about him, before looking at Hoshiko who was working on the villains left and right. 

"And she! She's strong!" The woman teacher smiled brightly, "She got 55 villains points AND she got rescue points! Whats her name?"

"She's a Yamagushi" Another teacher answered, crossing his arms over his chest. "Her dad and I used to be friends in high school, if she's anything like him.. she's going to be a half of a hell story" The woman laughed, and crossed her arms over her chest. 

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Hoshiko brushed her insanely messy blue hair due to her randomly cutting it to piss her dad off, and it sure as hell worked. He grounded her until she had started Yuuei. She pulled her black knee high socks up, and fixed the nose piercing she had given herself on a whim the night before. 

The girl walked out of her room, and left the house quickly.. Not wanting to hear her parents yelling at her about the piercing- or about her not really caring about the birds nest of a hair. 

Her cousin, Shouto Todoroki, was waiting for her in front of her gate. She weakly smiled at him, before they walked to Yuuei together. 

"How's Fuyumi and Natsuo?" Hoshiko looked up at him, and he looked down at her. "Fine." She sighed at his normal one word response, their silence was never uncomfortable to them. It was welcoming. 

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Shouto and Hoshiko were already in the classroom, since their class was an un-even number of 21, there would be on row longer than the other. Which sucked, since whoever would be back there would probably struggle to see- thankfully, Hoshiko got a front row seat. 

"Take your feet off of that desk now!!" The blue haired boy yelled, and Hoshiko rolled her eyes- looking back at her older cousin. As the spiky blonde haired boy, that was on the news, scoffed. 

"HUH!?" He smirked, "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this Academy by scuffing school property you Cretan!" The blonde boy tilted his head to the side. 

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