[Episode Seven]-Villains

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Hoshiko walked into Yuuei, and there were news reports surrounding the school. "HEY! MISS!" A reporter ran up to the girl, and she was having a very foul morning. 

"Fuck off." She spoke into the microphone, making the woman flinch. She walked into the school building. She crossed her arms over her chest, as she dropped herself into her seat dramatically. 

"Are you alright, Koko?" Shouto asked her, tilting his head to the side. "I'm fine" She looked down at her lap, and he shook his head. "I know that's not true. but okay." He sat back down in his seat.

Hoshiko sighed, leaning her head back into her seat. 

"Decent work on yesterdays combat training you guys" Aizawa said, gently tapping paper on the pedestal. "I watched the video feeds, and went over all your teams results." 

Hoshiko rolled her eyes, dropping her head onto the desk. "Bakugo, your talented. So don't sulk like your a child about your lose, okay?" Bakugo flinched, and looked down at his desk. 

"Yeah, whatever" He groaned. 

"And Midoriya" Midoriya flinched, pulling his hands into his legs, and looked his head down. "I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you can't control your Quirk"

Midoriya nodded his head with his eyes shut tight. "It's already getting old" Hoshiko crossed her arms over his chest. "You can't keep breaking your body when training here. But your Quirk will be really useful if you can get a hold of it" 

Midoriya lifted his head up, and his eyes sparkled. "So, show a little urgency huh?" Midoriya nodded his head, "Right!!" 

"Lets get down to business" Aizawa started, crossing his arms over his chest. "Our first tasks, will decide your future" The entire class leaned into their seats. 

IT IS ANOTHER QUIRK TEST!? The entire class thought in unison.

"You all need to pick a class representative" Everyone physically relaxed when he said that, Thank god it's just normal school stuff.

"Guys!! PICK ME GUYS! I wanna class rep" Kirishima yelled, throwing his arms up into the air. 

"I'll take it!" Kaminari lifted his hand up. 

"Yeah, you're gonna need me" Jirou raised her hand. 

"Someone with style will be best" Aoyama raised his hand.

"I AM TOTALLY THE RIGHT PICK!" Ashido yelled over Aoyama. 

Everyone continued to yell, Hoshiko glared at everyone. Her headache continued to grow in pain, placing her hands over her elf years. 

[𝖬𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝖶𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖧𝗂𝗆] ||MHA Oc Story||Where stories live. Discover now