[Episode Six]-Quirk Work

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"Your indoor combat training is over" All Might added, as Uraraka slide down the bomb- Iida watching with his arms up in the air. Uraraka looked nervous, and rather nauseous. 

Hoshiko hugged herself, as her eyes never left the passed out body of Midoriya. Every once in a while, his body would twitch- making Hoshiko flinch. 

"What a weird way for this to end" Hoshiko glanced up at Iida and Uraraka, where he was gently rubbing her back due to feeling ill. 

"The losers are basically untouched, and both of the Heroes are on the ground" Kaminari tilted his head, and Hoshiko looked at All Might. 

"Did you call the nurse!? He needs to be looked at right away!" Hoshiko yelled, causing All Might to look down at her. "Yes, Young Yamagushi. I've already called Recovery Girl"

"How does the old saying go? They may have lost the battle but they won the war." The bird man said, and the Frog girl sighed. "This class is intense" Hoshiko glanced at Shouto, who was already looking down at her.

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"Well, despite the results. The N.V.P of this exercise is Young Iida." Iida stood up straight, and turned to All Might as Bakugo looked out of it- and Uraraka still looked rather ill.  

"HUH!?" Iida called out, jumping forward, Hoshiko weakly smiled at him. As Asui took one step forward, and said. "Shouldn't it be one of the heroes instead since they're the winners?" 

All Might shook his head, "Hmm! Valid Question!" He laughed, placing his hands onto his hips. "Why didn't I chose one of those two? Who has a guess!" 

Hoshiko started talking. "I  can tell you why" She raised her hand up. "Iida had taken the role on with ease! He is the only one who really took his role into control" She looked at All Might. 

"Bakugo took his anger out on Midoriya, causing him to go off the rails. Which isn't something a teammate should do" She glared at him, her ears going down to a point. 

"As you said earlier, launching a large scale attack is reckless. And very much would bring more heroes towards the sounds." Hoshiko sighed, crossing her arms over her chest and closed her eyes. 

"Midoriya did the same thing, causing destruction in a building and in the end.. causing himself unable to move." Hoshiko opened her eyes, and glanced at Uraraka. Gently smiling at the girl who looked to be nervous to be picked apart now. 

"As for Uraraka, she had let her guard down due to Iida. Which, of course, since it's not real isn't that big of a deal since if it was a real battle she wouldn't have a reason to laugh" Uraraka untensed her shoulders, weakly smiling at the girl. 

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