[Episode Eight]-U.S.J

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Hoshiko's fists were clenched, staring at all of the villains in front of them. She could feel fear and anger bubbling up inside her. 

"What is that thing?!" Kaminari yelled out, and she looked up at him. An ominous voice was speaking to one of the villains, before a large bird-like thing stepped out of the portal with most of it's brain sticking out of its head. 

"What type of Quirk is that?" Hoshiko whispered, unable to remove her eyes from the disgusting creature.  

"So, you scums used the press as a cover to sneak into campus" Aizawa spoke loudly to the villains, Shouto walked forward. Grabbing onto Hoshiko protectively. 

All of the villains were walking forward, towards all the students up the stairs. Hoshiko glared out to them all, "Shouto, that mist man is going to try and separate us, so when we get separated. Protect whoever you are sent with, don't leave their side... Okay? And try and get as much out from the villains as you can. Don't hurt them." 

Shouto looked down at her confused, "What do you mean?" She shook her head. "Promise?" Shouto nodded his head once. "Okay, promise" 

Aizawa's scarf started to float, as all the kids stared frighteningly. Hoshiko looked at Thirteen, and then back at Aizawa who was clinging onto his scarf.

"What, real villains?" Kirishima stared at them all, "No way, how could so many of them get into a Yuuei facility this secure?" Yaoyorozu walked forward next to Midoriya and Iida. 

"Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Hoshiko glanced at the taller girl, and Thirteen said. "Good question, I'm not sure" Hoshiko bit her bottom lip, and Shouto held onto her hand tightly. 

"Is the entire campus under attack?" Shouto asked, looking down as the villains slowly walked closer. "Or is this their only target?" 

He shook his head, "Either way, if the alarm system isn't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here" Hoshiko looked at Shouto. 

"They carefully choose this isolated facility as a entry point at a time a class was being taught. They are fools for trespassing here. But they've thought this out." Shouto glared at the villains, as they started to separate themselves into the different terrains. 

"They must have a concrete objective in mind." He added, and the class turned to him as he finished speaking. "But.. what is it?" Hoshiko added, and the class started to panic.

"Thirteen, get them out of here." Aizawa stepped forward, "Get them back to campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our censers. Then they might be jamming our regular communications too" Aizawa clung onto his scarf tightly.

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