[Episode Twelve]-Sports Fest.

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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆

‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆I drew her :3💨

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‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡🪐༘⋆
I drew her :3

It was around 1 AM when Hoshiko woke up to the sound of her parents yelling voices.. She sat up, and slowly walked to her bedroom door. Pushing her ear against the door, she could hear bits and pieces.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, HARUTO?" Hoshiko's mom's voice echoed through the house. 

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, HOW DO YOU THINK KOKO WILL REACT!?" Suddenly a loud smack could be heard, "She will never know about that I did. You should have never found out, you're lucky I can't kill you where you stand. That child inside of your stomach is the reason you are still breathing."

Hoshiko's eyes went wide, hugging herself tightly. What? A baby? And.. what is dad doing?

"You will keep your mouth shut, like the good wife you are.. got it?" Hoshiko let out a shaky breath, she pushed herself off of her bedroom door and slide open her bedroom window. Jumping out of the window, she ran to Shouto's house. 

Thankfully, Shouto's room was on the first story.. as she went to open the window, she heard her Uncle's voice. "Hoshiko! What are you doing!?" The girl flinched, and turned to her uncle. 

Her uncle had a strange soft-spot for the girl, still didn't like her- but didn't hate her. As tears filled her eyes, his went wide. "I don't know what was going on, but I heard some of Mother and Father's argument.. so I came running here to see Shou" 

Enji Todoroki did not like the fact that his Son, and his brother-in-law's daughter were so close.. but he couldn't control her like he could control his own kids. "Come through the door next time, Hoshiko"

Enji let her in through the front door, and he shook his head. "Shouto should be sleeping right now, so just go into the guest bedroom and head to sleep" The 15 year old girl looked up at her uncle, giving him a quick stink eye- before heading to Shouto's room.

The number two hero groaned, rubbing his face with his hands.. before looking back at where she once way. "She looks so much like Rei.." 

Hoshiko sat in Shouto's bed room. He was awake, like she knew he was. "Why are you here, Koko?" Hoshiko's eyes filled with tears once again, and told him what she heard.

"A kid? Your dad..?" Hoshiko rubbed her eyes, and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know Shouto" His eyes went wide, it's been forever since she called him by his name.

"I'm scared, Shou.." Shouto pulled her into a hug, and whispered. "Hey.. it's gonna be okay. I promise, Koko" Hoshiko yawned, and rubbed her eyes. 

"Let's get you into the best bedroom, Koko.." Shouto held his hand up, and she shook his head. "I'm scared.." Shouto sighed, and he let her climb into the bed next to him.

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