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"What?" Stiles questioned, looking at Scott as we walked down the pavement

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"What?" Stiles questioned, looking at Scott as we walked down the pavement. I had my arms folded across my chest, trying to contain my anticipation. The three of us were on our way to attend a party for our childhood friend, Heather Matthews. I hadn't seen her in almost a year, so it felt good knowing we were going to reconnect after all this time, despite going to different schools.

"What do you mean, 'what'?" Scott asks, confused.

"I mean 'what' and you know what." Stiles retaliates.

I roll my eyes. "Dude, what are you on about?"

Stiles sighs. "The look Scott was giving."

"I didn't give a look," Scott insisted, sounding even more confused.

"There was a distinct look, Scott." Stiles continues.

"What look?" Scott quizzes once more.

"The look that says that the last thing you feel like doing right now, is going to a party." Stiles points out.

Scott sighs, looking down nervously. "It's not that. It just seems a little weird going to a different high school's party."

I snigger "That's real cute." Scott looks at me wide eyed.

"Oh my god." Stiles sighs at the same time. "One drink, all right? You'll be fine."

"Don't worry, baby Scotty, you'll have us with you holding your hand the whole time," I teased, putting a hand on his shoulder. He pushed me off, and I laughed.

"Look, we went to nursery school with this girl, okay? She promised to introduce us to all her friends. So tonight, no Allison, no Lydia. Tonight, we're moving on," Stiles explained to Scott, who looked like a lost puppy.

"I'll wingwoman you boys, it'll be great." I smile and Stiles smiles back at me, nodding at my response.

"You guys are right." Scott responds.

"That's right I'm right." Stiles looks accomplished.

Scott sighs. "Moving on."

"Onward, and upward." Stiles nods, gesturing with his hands in the sky.

"Let's do this." Scott tells him, and the two slap hands and I smile rolling my eyes as we walk toward the door.

"How does my breath smell?" Scott asks us.

Stiles shakes his head. "I am not smelling your breath."

"I'm gonna have to agree with that one." I add.

"Do either of you have gum?" Scott questions once more, clearly nervous as hell.

I place a hand on his shoulder. "Scott, you're gonna be fine ok. Just...loosen up a little."

Scott sighs before nodding. "What kind of party is this anyways?"

I smile. "A birthday party. It's gonna be great, trust me."

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