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Stiles had been missing for two days

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Stiles had been missing for two days.

He'd texted both my dad and I that he was ok and not to look for him, and he'd be back soon.

We'd obviously not listened, and Scott, Kira and I had spent the last day, researching and learning as much as we could about Nogitsune's, trying to figure out what his agenda is and what the next move could be, after we realised we couldn't find him. And from what we'd learnt, someone had offended the Nogitsune, causing it to react pretty badly. We just had to figure out what or who had offended it so badly.

I heard a knock on my door as I was getting ready for school.

"Wait a sec dad!" I call back as I pull my shoes on, before walking over to my bedroom door and opening it. Only it wasn't my dad stood behind it. It was Scott.

"Scott?" I furrow my eyebrows. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey. I just wanted to see if you were ok." He tells me.

I hated this. Because Stiles was missing, almost everyone had been constant in their checking up's with me, especially him and Derek. I think everyone was very aware of how much he meant to me, but also I think everyone knew that whatever connection had occurred between Stiles and I when I'd pushed him under the water, had helped the Nogitsune clearly be able to mess with my mind. It was like he had a slight access to it because of that, which was probably why my powers and I was so over the place. But for the last couple of days, I'd been fine. As fine as one can be when their twin brother is missing.

"Yeah, I'm physically ok. Mentally kind of losing my mind, but what's new." I tell him as we step inside my room. "I went to Derek's last night, and he woke up about 20 times making sure I wasn't suffocating. Or worse. He's very paranoid." I sigh.

"He should be." Scott tells me. "Madi, the visions are getting out of control. I'm - I'm worried about you."

I shrug. "I'm fine. I'll just book an appointment with Dr Deaton, and he'll fix me up." I give him a small smile, but I have a feeling he has no idea what's wrong with me either. This seems bigger than him, bigger than all of us.

"I'll be even more fine when we figure out what's going on with Stiles." I then grab my bag off of the ground, noticing how he doesn't feel very convinced with my statement. "I was gonna go visit Isaac at the hospital. You coming?"

Scott then nods.


"Be quick." Melissa tells us before the door shuts behind the two of us as we walk towards Isaac's hospital bed. He doesn't move, or open his eyes - instead all we hear are the machines keeping him alive beeping. And what catches my attention is his neck still hasn't healed.

"Why isn't he healing?" I question and Scott shakes his head.

"I don't know." He sighs, placing a hand on his injured arm, and I notice his veins turn black, and Isaac's head move up in release as Scott lets out a breath in agony and I realise he's taking his pain from him. "It won't heal him, but, it will take away some of the pain."

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