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"The couch

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"The couch. Put him on the couch." Scott instructed. I'd gotten a text from Lydia that she and Aiden had found my brother and to meet them at Scott's. I'd wasted no time leaving Derek's to arrive there, and after Lydia and Aiden had loaded Stiles in her car, they had brought him to Scott's house. Deaton, Melissa and Scott had already been here when I arrived.

Aiden and Scott pulled Stiles out the car and were carrying him through the house, as I followed behind them.

"Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital." Melissa exclaims, but the hospital definitely wasn't a viable option. Not unless we wanted another pile of bodies added to his rota.

Scott turned to her. "Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?"

"It doesn't look like he's bleeding." Deaton furrows his brows, lifting Stiles' shirt showing a large stab wound. Had the Oni found him? I couldn't think of how else he'd acquired the wound."I think he might even be healing." He adds.

Aiden's eyes widen. "You mean healing like we heal?"

"That sounds good. It is, isn't it?"  I asked, stepping forward, desperate for any positive news.

Deaton slightly nodded. "For him, yes. Us?" He turned around to face the group. "I'm not so sure."

Stiles was completely unconscious, laying on the couch, his lips slightly parted. I hated seeing him like that, even though I knew it wasn't really my brother.

"So if we aren't going to kill him, why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" Aiden asked skeptically, making a great point for once in his life.

"I might have something more effective." Deaton pulls out a case from his bag, and within that bag he pulled out a vial filled with some sort of substance. I don't know what was in it, but as Deaton unscrewed the cap and pulled out the dropper, Scott and Aiden grabbed a hold of Stiles' face, opening up his mouth.

"Uh...sorry what is that exactly?" I asked in confusion. No one responded, as Deaton dropped a few drops of the liquid into Stiles' mouth. In the mere fraction of a second that it took for the liquid to touch his tongue, Stiles' body sprung forward. His hand went straight for my wrist and I jumped back in surprise.

"Get him off of her!" Scott shouted as Aiden grabbed me and tried to pull me back, but Stiles' grip on my wrist was unrelenting. He started laughing at the small amount of chaos he was able to create in a matter of seconds.

Scott finally broke the hold, pulling me behind him protectively. Stiles groaned, his body starting to shut down. He glared at Deaton. "Kanima venom. Nice touch," he spat, his voice dripping with disdain.

Aiden growled, his claws extending in response to the threat. Stiles remained unfazed, his eyes gleaming with a sinister amusement. "You know how they say twins can feel each other's pain? You didn't lose that talent too, did you? Oh, I hope not. You're gonna need it."

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