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"Two missing

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"Two missing..." Stiles begins, as we stand outside the hospital at yet another crime scene.

Our dad, however, raises his hand stopping him. "Hang on, hang on. They were both in the car?"

"No, dad, they're trying to tell you that it was two separate kidnappings, ok? Two doctors, both gone." Stiles further explains.

"So whose car is this?" Dad furrows his brows.

"Dr Hilyard, the on-call doctor." Melissa answers. "The E.R. attending is the one that never made it in."

"Let me just focus on getting your story first, alright?" Dad turns to the woman who nods. "Boys, Madison, give us a second."

The three of us nod, moving away from the two, sirens and flares flooding the atmosphere. Stiles had explained to me everything I'd missed out on about a 'Darach' and sacrifices, all looking exactly like the one we'd seen on our cross country run. I was still struggling to fully understand it, especially since my time has been preoccupied with Deucalion and his pack, and Derek these last few days.

Turns out a 'Darach' is a dark druid, who was performing these ritual sacrifices, for reasons unbeknownst to us.

"So these are the sacrifices you were talking about?" I question, looking at Stiles.

Stiles nods. "Yeah, it's one Deaton mentioned - healers."

"But what about Danny? He threw up mistletoe, that's not a coincidence. And if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died." Scott points out.

I raise my brows. "Danny's definitely not a healer."

Stiles shakes his head, parting his lips as he tries to think of a reasonable reason as to why Danny would be a target but he comes out with nothing. Instead, his eyes move over to our dad who was no longer speaking to Melissa, and was instead on the phone. "Can you hear that?" He motions to Scott, who turns to look as well.

Scott turns back around after a few seconds. "They found a body."

I sigh. "Another one?"


"Good morning." Miss Blake slightly smiles from the front of the classroom, after everyone's taken their usual seats. "As you all know, Mr Harris is still missing...I mean, sick. Anyways, I'm filling in while we all hope and pray for a more qualified substitute to take my place. Okay, so let's get started shall we?" She feigns her optimism, raising her brows and turning to write on the chalk board.

"Hey," Stiles nudges Scott, the three of us sat besides one another. "our dad said that the E.R. attending wasn't strangled but did die from asphyxiation. They just don't know how."

"Do you think the on-call doctor could still be ok?" Scott suggests.

My knit my eyebrows together, as a tight pull on my brain brings me to seeing the Alpha Pack's symbol, randomly appear in my mind. What the hell?

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