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"What are you doing here?" Scott furrows his brows as the four of us stumble into his house

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"What are you doing here?" Scott furrows his brows as the four of us stumble into his house. In front of us stands his father, who seems to have a knack for turning up at the most inconvenient moments. Isaac was sat on the table as he stood above it, and I assumed from what it looked like, and knowing Scott's dick of a father, that he'd been questioning the poor guy non stop. I hadn't seen Isaac since I'd visited him at the hospital and so I gave him a small smile which he returned.

"I could ask you the same thing." Rafael responded.

"Free period." Stiles immediately came up with a lie. "We're doing group study." He pointed between the three of us.

Scott's dad, nodded, clearly not buying the story. "Who's she?"

Stiles blinked between Meredith and Scott's dad, before he pulled an arm over her shoulders. "My girlfriend."

Meredith looks up at him. "You're not my type."

I have to bring a hand to my mouth to stifle a laugh, especially trying my hardest not to when Scott's dad looks over at me noticing I'm about to burst.

Stiles sighs. "Well, obviously we have a lot to talk about. We should maybe take this upstairs."

"He's my type." Meredith smirks looking over at Isaac.

I immediately stop practically giggling to myself, raising my brows in surprise, as Isaac glances from Meredith to me and back to her again.

"Uh, then Isaac should go with you guys. And I should come a mediator." I fake smile, placing a hand on Isaac's shoulder and he slowly follows after Stiles, Meredith and I, as Scott gets caught up in a conversation with his dad.

We bring the woman to Scott's room, and she plops down on the edge of Scott's bed as the three of us hover over her, readying our interrogation.

"Ok, are you sure you don't know who Lydia is?" Stiles further questions, pushing his fists together.

"Lydia?" Her eyes widen in realisation. "You mean the red-haired girl."

"Yes. Yes!" Stiles' brows raised in surprise as he glanced over at me as finally secured a hopeful answer. "Good. Progress. Now all you gotta do is tell us where she is."

"Ok." Meredith responds, and I stand waiting to hear her say something, but her eyes just blink between the three of us. "If she tells me."

I knit my brows together, at her strange answer. "If she...tells you? Wha-"

"Can you ask her?" Isaac enquires.

Meredith slightly smiles. "I already did."

Stiles nods along, liking where this going. "Perfect. Perfect. What did she say?"

"She said...she doesn't wanna be found." Meredith tells us.

I let out a breath of frustration, narrowing my eyes slightly at her. This girl really did come out a nut house. Why did Stiles think this was going to be a viable option, because right now she was giving us virtually nothing, and was starting to get on my nerves.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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