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Friday. October 20, 2023.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook stand around Yoongi locker, laughing and clowning on each other and laughing. Jimin rest his elbow on Yoongi's shoulder. They both laugh as Jin takes Jungkook under his arm and rubs his knuckles into his head. Namjoon leans back on the locker next to Yoongi's also laughing at Seokjin and Jungkook.

"Would you leave me alone?" Jungkook says, struggling to get out of Jin's grip. "Not until you apologize for being a little shit." Jin says. "Cut him some slack, Jinnie. You know he loves to tease." Namjoon says and Seokjin rolls his eyes. "Just as much as you like breaking my headphones." Namjoon turns to look at Yoongi and Jimin. They both turn their heads in the opposite direction. "You ratted me out?" Namjoon says to them both which makes all of them begin to argue back and forth.

Yoongi loves these moments with his friends. They argue a lot out of love. Yoongi thinks it makes them closer as brothers more than just friends. Yoongi met Namjoon freshman year. Namjoon knew Jimin, who knew Seokjin, who knew Jungkook. They just started hanging out more and more and they are all the best of friends.

"Excuse me," The boys hear a quiet voice and stop arguing turning their heads. The boy with the black hair is standing in front of them. His glasses fall down his face so he pushes them up with his finger. "I just wanted to say thank you for a couple of weeks ago for what you did for me back there. That guy was beating me up for a long time." Hobi speaks to Yoongi.

Hobi makes eye contact with each one of the boys. Yoongi struggles to say anything. He opens his mouth but a sigh is the only thing that escapes. Hobi furrows his eyebrows, tilting his head while looking at Yoongi.

"He says you are very welcome. Jaehyung was never a good guy." Jimin comes to Yoongi's rescue. Yoongi just nods his head, sighing again. "Somebody needed to beat his ass." Namjoon says, tiling his head to the side.

"Hoseok!" Everyone turns their head to see a boy with blonde hair bouncing up and down as he runs over to Hobi. "Hoseok? Hey, you are in my computer science class. We sit right next to each other." Namjoon says and Hoseok nods his head. "Yeah, that's me." Hoseok awkwardly looks down.

The blonde kid comes to stand next to Hoseok. "Hey Tae. These are the guy that saved me from Jaehyung." He points to us smiling. "Taehyung." He says to the boys smiling. "I'm glad. Being a freshman sucks, I could never catch Jaehyung to beat his ass myself." Taehyung speaks with an eyeroll. "Tell me about it." Jimin and Jungkook say at the same time.

The bell rings and Hoseok looks back the guys. "I'll see you around." Hoseok says, sending a smile to Yoongi. He just nods; another sigh. The two boys walk away and the other boys stay stood at Yoongi's locker.

Yoongi turns around and punches his locker door. "Easy tiger." Jimin stops his other hand from punching the locker. "I couldn't say one fucking word." Yoongi rest his forehead against the cold locker. "Just nodding my stupid little fucking head up and down like a goddamn bobble head." He turns back around, rubbing his hand that punched the locker.

"Fuck this." Yoongi mutters. Yoongi walks away, not saying anything to anybody.

Namjoon, Seokjin, Jimin, and Jungkook just stand there watching him walk away. "That really fucked with him, didn't it?" Jungkook asked, earning a nod from the rest of the boys. "I'm proud of him for at least trying. I figured since he talks to him over text it would be easier." Jin speaks. "I have this class with him. I will get it out of him." Jimin says. "I mean, he basically said what was wrong. He just needs a little practice talking to people." Namjoon says, making the other guys nod. The second bell rings. "See you guys later." They depart ways.

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