💐sixty three🐱

26 3 0

Thursday. June 20, 2024.


hey yoonie, don't you think you should ask them now? it's been a week.

thank you for reminding me baby.

ask us what?

OH YES my parents said yes!

yes to what?

well if we let the boy explain, i'm sure he is going to tell us.

lol well, my grandparents own a vacation house in daegu, where i am from, and we are only a couple hours away from the beach. my mom wanted you guys to ask your parents if you guys wanted to come with us. we leave in like two weeks so it gives your parents time to think it over and we will be there for two weeks.

omw to ask my mom!!

oh me too!

that sounds lovely. unfortunately i do not need to ask my parents because i am grown now and i am going either way.

please ask to help satisfy my mother's "parental concerns."

was that the right wording jimin?


taehyung if it helps, tell your mom that i will be there!

lol or namjoon will.


please i am begging you, don't start. i woke up not even 15 minutes ago.

15 minutes ago???? it's 3pm.

that's pretty late to wake up.

and that's coming from me.

i was about to say "you are the one to talk."

are you okay joonie?

yeah, i have just been losing some sleep but i will be fine.

i shall cuddle you to sleep tonight. 🫶🏽

ew gross.

that's my job so get bent.

jesus christ.


gigi, my mom said yes!

oh yeah, my mom literally said "you're 18, i don't care." so that means yes.

my dad was on the phone but i will ask him soon. but i'm sure he doesn't care. but i will let you know.

my parents don't care.

great! i can't wait. i'm so excited.

me too! i'm glad our parents already met yours, this makes this so much easier.

ik right? my dad hates meeting new parents. all the small talk and everything.

i don't blame him. small talk is mad embarrassing.

i don't understand it either.

makes our job of just asking a simple question instead of planning the meet through our parents.

you don't have that problem anymore tho.

i can't wait until its my turn.

okay, dinner is done. talk later.

see ya.

later gator.


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