Chapter 2

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I cracked my eyes open and immediately groaned in pain. I placed my hand on my head as I sat up and felt around the wound. I think it's stitched up.

I got out of my bed and looked out of the window. I smiled at the sun before standing up and putting on a pair of slippers. I stood up and put on my dressing gown which was hanging by the door.

Hold up.

I glanced around the room, my eyes zooming across every object.

I'm not at home. Or the hospital for that matter. Where the fuck am I?

This wasn't even my dressing gown! I shuddered and quickly slipped it off. I don't know who's been wearing that. Now I'm cold. I hesitantly sniffed the dressing gown and sighed. It smelled of flowers. I guess its fresh. I shrugged and put it back on. I opened the door and was welcomed by a waft of sizzling bacon. Wow that smells nice.

Is this a dream?

I wandered down the corridor and had a look about. There were a few photos around the walls. I stopped and inspected one of them. There were 1, 2, 3, 4... eight people there. An old man with a long beard and a straw hat, two robots, a girl and five boys. I recognised the old guy from somewhere... They all had their gi on, all nicely colour coded. Apart from the female robot with green eyes who was wearing a samurai suit. Apart from that, the rest were in red, green, white, black and blue.

Oh shit.

Shit shit shit shit shit shit!!

I'm in the ninja's home.

Nah, I've gotta get outta here. 

Argh! But if I do they'll think I'm shady as fu-

"Morning!" I heard a voice call. I whipped my head to the voice. A blonde boy wearing a green gi. The fucking green ninja. He's the one I'm most scared of. Like, his father is an Oni and he's got some major daddy issues, I've heard... He must HATE Oni. "How's your head?" He asked.

"Oh, um..." I felt the stitched up wound. "It could've been better," I chuckled nervously.

"Well, breakfast is ready if you wanna join." He stood there, waiting for a response from me.

"Uh, sure!" No, I want to leave but my dumbass followed him to the dining room where the rest were already eating anyway. I waved shyly before sitting down next to the green ninja. Not out of choice. It was the only seat available...

He introduced himself. "I'm Lloyd and this is Nya, Jay, Zane, Kai, Cole, Zane and PIXAL."

"My name is y/n. Nice to meet you," I said as I started eating this DELICIOUS food.

"That's a really pretty name," Nya said. 

Jay was next to speak. "What were you doing up so late- I mean, early anyway?"

"I couldn't sleep, that's all. I was enjoying the fresh air. It sometimes helps," I explained truthfully.

Jay nodded as we all continued eating. I finished up my food as soon as possible. "Well, I think I should get going. Thanks for helping me out..." I stood up and I was about to leave.

"Actually, we can't let you let you do that," Lloyd said. I froze and turned around. My heart beat quickened.

"...why not?"

"You might be up on your feet but your condition could worsen if not taken care of properly," Zane explained.

"I'll take care of it just- argh!" I exclaimed as I clutched my head. The wound was pulsating in pain.

"We need you to stay here until the wound fully heals..." PIXAL said. As much as I didn't want to, I nodded and sat back down, leaning on the table, eyes shut tightly, waiting for the pain to ease.

"You okay?" Cole asked.

"Not really. Some guy almost threw me off the roof and kicked me which ended up with this," I responded, pointing at my wound.

"About Ronin..."

"Who?" I interrupted Kai.

"The guy you were fighting... Where'd you learn to fight like that?" he asked.

"Self defence," I stated.

They all looked at each other then back at me. "Where'd you learn it?" Nya asked.

"My mother... She taught me how to fight before the Oni invasion stuff. Actually, no, before Garmadon's reign," I answered honestly.

"Oh, okay." I felt Lloyd's eyes glued to me. I avoided eye contact and shifted around uncomfortably in my seat. Soon enough, everyone finished eating and Nya found me some spare black gi. I can't believe I have to stay here. To be fair, I was getting occasional headaches...

I watched the ninja train for a bit. I sat there with a cup of tea in my hand which kind of helped... but not enough. I'm just hoping my wound will heal soon...

Lloyd was having a short break and he sat next to me on the steps. "So, y/n... Do you live alone?"


"Just curious. You seemed a bit lonely when we saw you on the roof the first time round."

"Y-You saw me? From the other side of the road?"

"Yeah... It's hard not to notice. The moon was pretty bright."

"To answer your question, yes. My mother passed away a few years back so I live alone. I never knew my father."

"I'm sorry..."

I shrugged. "Well, I can't do anything about it. It is what it is." My pupils dilated and yelled, "LLOYD, WATCH OUT!" I pushed him out of the way from a fireball which was coming right at him. We both sighed in relief.

"Sorry!" Kai shouted from across the courtyard. 

"Th-thanks, y/n! That was close." We stood up and glanced at the others who were coming over to us.

"Nice reflexes, kid," Cole complimented. 

"Uh... thanks? It was just an instinct, I guess," I said, scratching the back of my head. Suddenly, the gate of the monastery opened. The old man walked in.

He came closer to us, "What is this about?" He looked at me up and down, "Oh! Y/n! What are you doing here?"

"You know her?!" Jay asked.

"She works part-time at the teashop I go to. Mystaké used to work there."

"Oh! That's where I recognise you from!" I chuckled. I suddenly winced at the pain in my head and placed my hand over the wound. Everyone stared at me with concern.

"Is everything alright, y/n?" Wu asked.

I nodded but then my vision completely blacked out. I felt my body lean to one side and collapse into someone's arms.

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now