Chapter 11

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I was tapping nervously on the steering wheel. I finally sighed and said, "Uh... I've been meaning to ask you something..." I didn't get a reply. "Y/n?" I glanced over at her and noticed that she dozed off to sleep again. I chuckled lightly to myself and smiled. She was huddling herself into my hoodie which she was still wearing. We finally got to the monastery and I parked the car in the base. Y/n was still sleeping.

I picked her up bridal-style and took her to her room. I carefully put y/n on her bed and wrapped her up in the duvet. I brushed her hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek before whispering, "I love you," and walking out of her room. I quietly shut the door behind me and sighed with a smile on my face. Nailed it, I thought.

I headed to my room and looked behind me for a SPLIT SECOND and I bumped into someone. They gasped and I heard a thud. It's midnight. I activated my green power and Kai was on the floor holding his glass of water so that no more would spill. Half of the water spilled on his pyjama top already. 

"Kai?? What are you doing up so late?" Kai sighed and rolled his eyes before pointing at the glass of water he was holding. "Right." I picked up the glass and helped him up to his feet before giving it back.

"I guess I'm gonna go refill this then." He headed back towards the kitchen, "How was your date? he asked. I followed him to the kitchen. 

"Yeah, it was good..." I said, scratching the back of my head.

Kai smirked as he refilled his glass. He took a sip and turned to me. "What did you do?"

My body temperature rose, "I took y/n to the beach... we had a picnic and stuff."

"And what were the 'stuff'?" he asked teasingly.

"We danced. Stargazed a little..."


"And what?"

"You gave her your jumper~ She was probably a little cold~" he teased. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "Did you kiss yet?" he asked with a massive smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks warm up to an unimaginable temperature. I stood in place, frozen. I didn't know what to say to that. Kai left the glass on the counter and came up to me, poking me in the stomach and sides. "My little brother had his first kiss!" he laughed. 

"Ow! Kai! Stop it!" I chuckled, trying to push his hands away.

"Okay, fine." He picked up the glass again and leaned against the counter while taking a sip. "So, how was it? Was it like a-"

"Okay!! Enough now!! It's none of your business!!" I whisper-shouted in a joking manner. "Goodnight, Kai!" I said as I left the kitchen.

"Night, Greenie!"

I flopped onto my bed with a smile on my face. I aced that date!


I woke up the next morning to the sound of rain patting on the window. I got up and was about to put on my usual black training gi when I noticed that it looked a little different. I shrugged and put it on anyway. I looked in the mirror to check out the gi. It was mostly black with purple and pink details.

I guess I'm officially part of the ninja team.

I tied my hair up and headed to the dining room where Kai finished breakfast. Everyone was already there.

"Well, would you look at that!" Cole said. "Liking your new gi?"

I nodded, "Yeah! It's awesome! Much more comfortable than the other one."

"And it's more durable, more breathable, water resistant, stretchy, tear resistant and-" Nya started explaining.

"-Either way," Kai interrupted, "It's just much better that that old rag."

I chuckled as Nya nodded proudly. I sat down between Lloyd and Nya and they all looked in our direction. I guess everyone knows about our little date last night. I still need to give Lloyd his jumper back...

"How was the date?" Jay blurted out before being quickly elbowed in the arm by Cole who was sitting next to him. Me and Lloyd exchanged glances with a small laugh before ignoring Jay's question and drawing our focus back to our food. "Okay, Cole, that was out of order. Everyone knows about it anyway so I might as well ask because if I'm not gonna ask, no-one else will and we'll all suffer in-"

"It was great," I replied, interrupting Jay's blabbering. "It was really fun, if you're so desperate to know, Mr Curious," I said with a chuckle.

"Where did you go?" Zane asked.

"To the beach," Lloyd answered.

"That sounds nice! I hope you enjoyed it," Zane said with a warm smile. 

We continued eating and were interrupted by PIXAL, who bashed her head against the doorframe. "Ow," she muttered simply. She walked into the dining room and picked up a slice of bread from the plate in the middle of the table and took a bite out of it.

We all exchanged glances before looking up at PIXAL again. "PIXAL, are you okay?" Kai asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" she asked, taking another bite.

"First of all, you bumped your head on the doorframe, which is basically impossible for it to happen to you, then you randomly start eating," Cole explained. "For one, you don't eat," Yeah, PIXAL is a nindroid so it would make sense for her not to eat. Zane does but he has that sort of coding in his system whereas Pix doesn't. "And two, you're eating plain bread. Who eats plain bread?"

"That's what you're concerned about?" Jay asked.

"Is your head okay?" Lloyd asked.

PIXAL nodded while finishing up her slice of bread. "Self-diagnosis shows no damage to my s-sy-ystem."

Zane stood up and came over to PIXAL, "I'll take her to the base to see what's wrong with her... This never happened before. For all I know it could be a virus."

"I'll come with!" Jay said.

"Me too," Nya responded.

The three of them guided stumbling PIXAL out of the dining room.

"What the nimblooey..." Cole said.

"Wait," Lloyd caught our attention. "Where's Master Wu? He was here a second ago!" he exclaimed, pointing at the seat Wu WOULD'VE been on.

We instantly got up and spread out to find the missing Sensei.

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now