Chapter 16

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Since Ha-eed knows that the monastery is our home, we decided that it's safer to leave. When me and my mother first came to this realm, we were welcomed by the citizens in the Ninjago City canals. Since Nya and Lloyd also had to hide there before, we all have some connections.

We all packed a backpack each and Cole had a briefcase for the golden weapons.

"Well," Nya said, "Home sweet home. Uh... Lloyd and y/n can take the bed while the rest of us sleep on the floor."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you want to sleep next to Cole's snoring?"

"Hey! I don't snore that loudly anymore."

I chuckled and placed my backpack on the floor by the bed, which was on the left side of the room. Lloyd is gonna lay down next to the wall, I will be next to him and Nya will be next to the bed followed by Jay and Cole. There were three blankets so I'll share one with Lloyd, Nya will share one with Jay and Cole will have his own.

"You okay, Jay?" Nya asked as she laid down on the floor next to the bed.

Jay shook his head and sighed. "I'm just scared... I won't be able to sleep," he answered as he laid down next to his Yang.

"We're all here, and we're away from the monastery. We should be safe for now," Cole reassured, although it was clear that he wasn't certain himself.

I sighed as I laid down on the bed next to Lloyd. This reminds me of the only date I had with him when we used his jumper as a blanket. I rolled over so I was facing towards Nya. Lloyd casually wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him, spooning me so that my back was against his chest, and my head was tucked under his chin.

"Ooh someone's getting a bit comfortable," Cole teased.

"Oh, shut up!" I said rolling my eyes while I completely flushed.

"It's a single bed, how else are we supposed to fit? I'm just making sure y/n doesn't fall off the bed," Lloyd explained with a little yawn.

"Okay, I believe you." Cole placed his hands behind his head and frowned. "How long do you think it will take for him to find us?"

"Hopefully a long time," Jay responded. "I do not wish for anyone else to experience whatever that was..."

"Let's just stick together, and we'll be fine. Tomorrow, we'll go to Dareth's dojo so that we can teach y/n the rest of the techniques we know and stay together at the same time. Goodnight guys," Nya said.


"Who's Dareth?" I whispered.

"A friend," Lloyd replied, also in a whisper. He shifted his head so that his lips were right next to my ear. He lowered his voice even further. "You don't mind sleeping like this do you? If you want, I can let go."

"It's okay. It's comfy like this."


The next morning we headed down a few short roads to get to 'Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo'. The plan was to finish teaching y/n spinjitzu, and then y/n would teach Lloyd how to safely unleash his Oni form which he still isn't too keen on.

"Guys! It's so good to see you! Do you need the brown ninja's help again? And who's this?"

"Y/n," she answered.

"Right you guys need the space don't you. Uh... I'll be going now but I trust you not to steal my trophies," Dareth said as he left.

"Bye, Dareth!"

"Who thought we'd be back here," Cole remarked.

"You've been here before?" y/n asked.

"Yeah... It's a long story. We needed to find somewhere to train Lloyd when he was a kid."

"Hm," y/n hummed as she took a place in the middle of the training room and prepared her starting stance.


I don't remember Spinjitzu being this hard to learn. The first time we did it we literally imagined the training course, went "Here comes the dummy!" and spun.

Either way, it's been hours. We tried showing her how to do it step by step, but each of us had something different to help achieve it, which just turned into bickering. Y/n had to go to the bathroom multiple times because of how nauseous she felt from all the spinning.

"Maybe there's something we're missing..." Lloyd said, tapping his chin.

"Nope. Don't think so. We all taught her each of our ways we do Spinjitzu. We taught her the generic way, now we just need to her to master it," I stated.

"I guess we'll call it a day and come back tomorrow. It's getting dark," Nya said as we started making our way back to the canals.

We decided to wake up early the next morning to get more training done. After y/n's fifth attempt, some purple sparks appeared to spin around her.

"Keep it up!" Cole encouraged. "You're almost there!"

It's been another few hours and after every spin, more sparks would form. She was so close to master it.

Y/n took a sip of water before taking a few deep breaths. She shut her eyes and spun. She was surrounded by purple sparks which formed a tornado. We all cheered as y/n slowed down her spin and landed firmly on her feet. We ran up to her and hugged her, "Haha! Thanks guys..."

"Now that you know it, using it is a piece of cake," Nya said proudly.

We took a break at Skylor's noodle place before coming back to the dojo. It was Lloyd's turn. Y/n needed to teach him Oni Form.

But Lloyd still wasn't willing to do it. His greatest fear is becoming like his father after all... This already makes this more difficult than it needs to be.

"Okay, to achieve your Oni form, the key thing is anger—"

"I can't do it, y/n..." Lloyd interrupted.


"I can't do it. What if I won't be able to change back? I don't want to become like my father..." he repeated, avoiding eye contact.

"This is why I'm teaching you. You won't be lost in your Oni form. From what I know, it's impossible. You have to trust me on this."

Lloyd thought for a moment. He sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry... I can't..."

"Listen, your Oni Form is the only way to defeat Ha-eed. I told you, it's a fight fire with fire situation. Those golden weapons will do minimum damage against the Oni."

"I WON'T DO IT!" Lloyd yelled.

"She's right, Lloyd there isn't much of a choice," Nya said.

"These are your friends and possibly the entire world we're talking about."

"There has to be another way!"

"Well, there is no other way! You saw what he did to your powers! He reduced them to smoke!" y/n snapped. She let out a sarcastic chuckle and dragged her hands down her face. "What the fuck am I doing here? This is a waste of time. This is your world, not mine. I couldn't care less if it gets taken over by Oni. That's my natural environment anyway. Good luck defeating Ha-eed with your ineffective elemental powers!" she headed to the front door, "Farewell!"

"Y/n! Wait!" I called out.

She turned her head and glared at us with purple flames in her eyes. "I tried helping you. But it looks like you don't want my help. Mr Stubborn here can go find help somewhere else if he really needs it. Sorry." And with that she left.

"Lloyd, are you nuts?!" Cole asked. "She's right, this is our only chance against that thing. What are we gonna do now?"

Lloyd sighed. "We go to the Library of Domu. We'll find as much information on the Oni as we can, and then figure out a way to defeat Ha-eed once and for all."

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now