Chapter 4

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So the ninja helped me move in to the monastery with their flying ship which they called "The Destiny's Bounty" or just "The Bounty" for short. I didn't have many things in my apartment so it went by pretty quick.

But I forgot that my mum met the ninja... 

I have this one photo of me and her together in the tea shop. One of the only pictures I have with her before she was fucking murdered by Garmadon.

Jay picked up the photo frame and inspected it. "Is this your mum?" he asked, pointing at my mum, Mystaké. I wanted to snatch the picture from him but I knew that it would make the ninja more suspicious of me. Instead, I gently took the picture of him, inspecting it with a light smile.

As much as I wanted to say yes, I can't. They would figure out that I'm an Oni.

"It is a cruel world, y/n. You cannot reveal your Oni form to people. They will take advantage of it... I know that it is difficult to keep your human form but it is the only way you can survive."

I shook my head and put the picture in my bag, "She was my boss at the tea shop. She was really sweet. She was friends with everyone!" I chuckled softly.

I sometimes wonder why we fled the Realm of Oni and Dragons all these years ago. I wonder if it was really that bad there... I remind myself of the times before The Omega's reign. When life was simple. Sure, the Oni were known for destruction but the Oni citizens of the first realm weren't at all that bad. That was until The Omega took over. He brought terror and destruction to us. So we ran away. 

We ran away to the realm of "peace".

Whoever said that Ninjago was a realm of peace and balance clearly didn't know what they were talking about. This place was better but every few months or years there was many crises. The worst one was when the Oni temporarily ruled over Ninjago and brought darkness with them.

They were looking for all of the Oni who fled all those years ago. Which included me. And with my mother gone, I was in ALOT of danger as the daughter of one of the Oni warlords.

I won't blame the ninja for that crisis. The Oni are probably one of the strongest beings in the universe. Also, they did defeat them in the end.

Lucky for me, I was far away from the city. After finding out about my mother's death after Garmadon's brief reign, I left the city to clear my head. Then the Oni happened, they were defeated, so I came back home.

Ever since I just led what people called a 'normal' life. I had a job, a home, a routine...

Life isn't normal for me, however. I have to keep my Oni identity concealed from the ninja. The Oni are one of the ninja's greatest enemies. If they ever found out that I was an Oni, they'd think all the worst about me. Especially the green ninja, who's father is literally an evil Oni. 

Oh, wait! That's right, he's apparently good now?? The person who terrorised the city with princess fucking Harumi Jade and killed my fucking mother is now on the ninja's side? The person who I consider my enemy is 'good' now? Yeah, right... At least he disappeared. If I ever see him around, the first thing I'd do is kill him. Oh, wait. Can't do that, can I? The green ninja would be even more suspicious of me. 

And now I've been evicted, I've had many notices from my job which I'm about to lose and now I've moved in with the people I wanted nothing to do with, after having an injury and having headaches from it and fainting, because they couldn't catch up with some low-level thief, who I found out is from fucking Stiix which is miles away, who was apparently arrested on like three separate occasions, and cracked my head open!!

Why can't I just have that normal life everyone else has? Why does my life have to be so difficult?!

I spent the entire day unpacking my stuff in the - now former - guest room. I went to the dining room for dinner which Cole made. When I looked around the table, no-one was very keen on trying his food.

It didn't look terrible, what is up with them?

Cole made some Chili con carne and was still in the kitchen. I was about to take a spoonful until Kai, who I sat next to, nudged my shoulder and shook his head. He then whispered, "Unless you want your taste buds to die, don't try the food." 

"Why?" I whispered back.

"Cole's a terrible cook. Whenever it's his day to cook, we just order some pizza or something instead."

"Then why make him cook?" I asked.

"We don't make him, he insists on cooking. He keeps saying that he improved but he never does!" Kai explained. Everyone else nodded. Surely they're just picky eaters...

I nodded slowly and Cole walked into the dining room. He was sat opposite me and he glanced around the table. "Oh, come on! My cooking isn't that bad! I've improved..." he said, crossing his arms.

I shrugged and picked up the spoon. Everyone was signalling for me to put the spoon away. I took the spoonful and swallowed. 


Shit, shit, shit, shit! Is she INSANE?!

Everyone watched nervously as y/n swallowed the food. She stood up and left the kitchen. Great. Everyone glared at me.

"What? I tried to warn her! She didn't liste-" Y/n walked back into the dining room with a salt shaker. She sprinkled her Chili with salt and took another bite.

We were all staring at her, mouth agape. She looked up at us with her eyebrow raised. "What? It's not that bad." She shoved the salt shaker to the middle of the table and took another spoonful. "Just use some salt, it's not that deep."

Our heads turned to Cole, who had a smug smiled on his face, "I told you I've improved. At least someone here appreciates my cooking."

Y/n put her thumbs up and smiled, "You're welcome." She gestured for the rest of us to eat. We all hesitantly sprinkled our food with salt and slowly tried Cole's Chili.

Oh, wow. He did improve. We actually enjoyed Cole's cooking with smiles on our faces, relieved that it didn't glue our mouths shut. Y/n also seemed less quiet around us. She looks more comfortable around us than the first time we met her.

I think I'm glad that y/n is moving in with us.

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now