Chapter 3

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I was in bed, facing away from the door. I cracked my eyes open and had a weird feeling that someone was watching me. I sighed, "Lloyd, get out, will you?"

He started stuttering, "H- Wh- What did- How did you- You're facing away! How did you know?"

I sat up, "Wild guess plus gut feeling."

"I was supposed to make sure you're alright. And, uh, once you're up, Master Wu said to take you to the meditation room."

"Master who?"

"Master Wu. The old guy with the beard?"

"Oh... Him. Uh..." I looked around the room and then back at Lloyd. "Could you get Nya, please?" I asked.

"Uh... sure." He got up and left. 

Shortly afterwards, Nya came in the room. "Hey, y/n. What's up?" 

"Could you do me a favour?" 

"What is it?" she asked.

"My house keys are in my coat pocket. Since I have to stay here, it would be nice to have clothes of my own. And my phone maybe. Could you bring those, please? It's the apartment you found me on the roof of and its two flights of stairs down. The apartment number is on the keys."

"Sure! I got you. What sort of clothes?"

"I don't know... tracksuit, jeans, jumper, some t-shirts. And underwear would be nice. You can empty one of my backpacks in there."

"Okay... why me?"

"Well, I don't want boys snooping around in my underwear and I trust you not to snoop around..."

Nya laughed, "Fair enough." 

She left and I got out of bed. Cole was just walking down the corridor, "Hi y/n. You alright?" he asked.

"Could've been better. Uh... where's the meditation room? Apparently I'm supposed to see Wu there."

"This way." I followed him to the meditation room where Wu was. I ain't calling him 'Master'... He's not my teacher. I came in and sat opposite him. There was some incense in the middle of the room.

"You wanted to see me?" I said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Do you feel better?"

"Uh... I guess?"

He pulled out a cup of tea out of nowhere and gave it to me, "Drink up. It should ease the pain for a long while."

I drank the tea and sure enough, the pain began to slowly go away. My eyes widened in amazement. "Woah... this thing works!" I laughed.

Wu chuckled before looking at me up and down, "You remind me of someone... I can't seem to figure out who..."

I was a bit confused. He did mention my mother's name earlier... I can't tell him. I can't tell the ninja team. They'll know that I'm of Oni blood. I shrugged his comment off and sighed.

"Everything alright?" he asked.

"I don't know..."

"I sense that you feel some sort of... fear?"

"I guess."

"What are you scared of, y/n?"

I avoided eye contact and fiddled with my fingers. Think of something, y/n... "To be honest... I'm just scared of everything. There's a lot of danger everywhere and I can't seem to get a break from nightmares..."

"I see... Well, make sure you let your wound heal. We can provide safety for you. If you want, you can move in."

I quickly shook my head. "That won't be necessary." I raised my voice a little... "At this point, all the problems originate here anyway." ...until I snapped. "All you guys do is cause problems for the citizens of Ninjago! I feel safer away from here." I stormed out of the meditation room and bumped into Nya.

"Oh! Careful," she chuckled. "Are you okay?" she asked as she gave me my backpack full of my clothes.

"Thanks... Uh- I- I'm okay. I just... I'll get changed." Before I could say anything, she rushed to the bathroom.


Ooookay then.

Don't get me wrong, y/n seems cool, it's nice to have another girl around, but there's something about her that seems a bit... I don't know... edgy. She looks like one of those people you wouldn't want to see the bad side of.

She also seems very familiar for some reason...

I went to Master Wu to check what happened. He was pacing up and down the meditation room, mumbling something under his breath.

"Everything okay, sensei? What happened?"

"Y/n seems fearful of this place. I offered for her to move in but she instantly became panicky and rejected the offer and stormed out. We can't force her to stay, although she has been fainting and getting headaches from her wound, if she doesn't want to. But it's safer for her here because we understand her condition... I don't think she realises that."

"I guess not..." He started pacing up and down again. "Are you... okay?"

"Hm? I don't know... Y/n reminds me of someone. She looks so familiar but I can't seem to wrap my finger around it."

So I'm not the only one...

"I noticed it too. I can't figure it out either." I sighed. "I'm a bit worried about her, Master."

"How so? Did her wound worsen?"

"No... She asked me to get some of her stuff from the apartment and..."


"She got an eviction notice," I explained as I took it out of my pocket and unfolded it before giving it to Master Wu. "I don't know how to tell her... She's stressed out as it is."


I rushed to the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes had a hint of purple. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down. If I got any angrier, I could've accidentally revealed my Oni form... 

I watched the purple fade away from my eyes. I got changed into a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and a jumper before going back to the guest room. I saw Nya walk out of the meditation room with a piece of paper in her hand.

"Hey, Nya! What's that?"

She stopped in her tracks and looked around, "Umm..." She sighed with a frown and gave me the piece of paper. "I found this pinned onto your apartment door..." 

I unfolded the piece of paper and my eyes widened. I repeatedly read through the words "EVICTION NOTICE" over and over again.

I knew that this was going to happen...

But why now?

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now