Chapter 8

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What is wrong with me?? What compelled me to kiss the green ninja who literally hated my guts no more than a few hours ago!!

On one hand, I'm freaking out. On the other hand, I forgave him and he forgave me. I guess he doesn't hate my guts all that much.

I rushed out of his room and headed to my room, accidentally bumping into Zane in the process. "Sorry!"

"It's okay. Are you alright?"

"Uh... Yeah. I sorted stuff out with Lloyd. We're good."

"I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you," Zane said with a smile. I went to my room and shut the door behind me. I laid down on my bed, a smile spread across my face. The butterflies didn't leave my stomach and my cheeks were still stained red. I was confused but in a good way. Since it was getting late, I went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of the rain patting on my window. The first thing I did was sit up and check my phone. I got a notification from my emails.

Great. I just lost my job at the tea shop.

I sighed as I flopped back onto my bed, dragging my hands down my face in the process. It was 5:30 in the morning. I wasn't gonna go back to sleep so I might as well make some breakfast. I walked into the kitchen opened the fridge to look for something that I could eat. I took out a yoghurt pot and shut the fridge door, almost jumping out of my skin in the process. 

Wu scared me. By standing next to the fridge. He chuckled at my reaction. "Sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to scare you. How are you feeling?"

"Um... Fine, I guess," I said with a frown. He whipped out a cup of tea out of thin air and took a sip.

"Are you sure?"

I sighed, "No. I just lost my job at the tea shop..."

"That's one less weight on your shoulders."

"I guess... but... I don't know... It was where I spent most of my time with my mum. I just hate to give that away, you know." I sighed again and dragged my hands down my face, "Why do I have to be such a screw-up?"

"Y/n, you're not a scr-"

"Yes I am! I lost my house, lost my job, got myself punched in the face..." I grabbed a spoon and opened the yoghurt.

"Life comes with difficulty. You need to stay resilient, y/n. You'll find something new to do, a new job. Take your time..." With that, he left me alone in the kitchen. I finished my yoghurt and threw the pot in the bin. I wasn't all that hungry, and since I had nothing else to do I started making breakfast for the rest. They're not allergic to eggs, right? I just went for some simple scrambled eggs and bacon. 

It was about 6 o'clock in the morning when Nya came in to the kitchen, "You made breakfast?"

I nodded. "You've done so much for me... It's the least I could do! It's practically done now, so if you don't mind, could you call the others up for breakfast?"

"Sure thing." 

Just as Nya left, Zane came in. He offered to make some tea for everyone, so I let him do his thing while I began serving the portions onto separate plates. We all went to the dining room and my heart rate instantly increased once I saw Lloyd.

This is gonna be awkward... I mean, we kissed and then I ran out of the room.


I was sat between Kai and Cole. Lloyd was sat next to Kai and everyone else was sat on the other side of the table. I might just keep my distance for now... It should make things a bit less awkward... right?

Once everyone finished breakfast, Jay offered for Cole to clean the dishes which ultimately resulted in the both of them doing the dishes. Everyone was headed outside to the training course for some training. I was sat on the steps, watching them jump from obstacle to obstacle. Wu startled me with a slurp of his tea. He really tends to sneak up on people...

"Don't you want to join them?" he asked. I turned to him. "You are talented y/n."

I scoffed, "You don't even know me..."

"I might not, but I see greatness in you, y/n." I thought for a bit, staring at the others on the training course before shaking my head. "Are you and Lloyd not on good terms yet?" he asked.

"Uh... We are, he apologised but... I'm not ready for the obstacle course. I think I'll pass this time..."

"Are you sure?" 

I finally gave in with a small giggle, "Fine, I'll join the afternoon training..." 

Throughout the day, I successfully managed to avoid Lloyd. I don't think I'm ready to talk to him after what we accidentally did last night. No thanks. Whenever I saw him, I'd head the other direction and if he was close enough to talk to me I'd say a quick, "Gotta go," and rush off. I know that it was a bit rude but... I don't know.

The afternoon came and everyone was already training. I rushed to my room and slipped my black gi on and tied my hair up in a bun before walking outside. 

There was one problem though.

It was empty...

No people, no obstacle course. Just the lonely golden dragon fountain in the middle of the courtyard.

"Uhh... Guys?" I stepped further into the courtyard and looked around. I had a look at one of the walls which had paintings of all of the ninja's adventures. Even my mother was in one of the paintings and I smiled. Suddenly, I had a sense that someone was looking at me. Just as I was about to turn around, someone grabbed my shoulder and threw me onto the floor.

I picked myself up and saw that I was surrounded by a bunch of people wearing black gi's. "Guys!! A little help?!" I yelled. At the result of no reply, I prepared a fighting stance. These people are very intimidating.

One of them leaped towards me with a punch. I blocked the punch and I kicked them away in the stomach and into someone else. They both fell onto the ground. Another person leaped towards me with a flying kick which I simply dodged. Once each person managed to try and attack me at least once, I figured them out.

I smirked and counted all the people on the floor. "Me: 5, Ninja: zero. I thought you were better than this," I commented, brushing my palms against each other.

"For heavens sake!" Jay exclaimed, throwing his hood off. As expected, he was one of the ones on the floor. "How did you figure it out?! We literally have black gi's on and we're pretty much not recognisable. You're superhuman!"

"I'm not even human," I remarked. "I recognised some of your skills from training plus gut feeling."

Everyone took their hoods off. I looked around and noticed that someone was missing. "Where's Cole?" I quickly turned around and grabbed Cole's arm, which was about to his my head, and pushed Cole towards the other ninja. "Nice try," I said with a giggle.

"You're good!" Cole said.

I shrugged, "Oni instincts, I guess." Everyone headed inside. Just as I was about to step inside, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back into the courtyard.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now