Chapter 1

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I gasped awake from a nightmare.

I turned my head to the digital clock sat on my desk. It read 01:00. I sighed out of frustration. I constantly wake up so early in the morning but I can never get back to sleep despite being extremely tired.

I guess I just don't want to go back to that nightmare.

I yawned and sat on the edge of my bed and popped my slippers on before grabbing a hair band and tying my messy hair up in a ponytail. The bright moon caught my attention. I admired it for a moment with a gentle smile before standing up and stretching out, letting my back pop in multiple places. I decided to go outside for some fresh air. It might calm me down and hopefully make me feel a bit sleepy again.

I live alone in an apartment, so I don't have a garden unfortunately. To be fair, it does make it harder for people to break in, I guess. Nevermind, Borg Tower doesn't have a garden and it's been broken into one too many times. I put my coat on, grabbed my keys and went up two flights of stairs to reach the roof of the building. The cold air hit my face as I stepped outside. I leaned onto the ledge with my arms crossed, watching the mist from the chilly atmosphere escape my mouth.

In front of me was the large moon. It was neatly placed between two similar apartments on the other side of the road with an alleyway splitting the two apart. I looked down at the pavement beneath me and shuddered on the thought of the impact I would've made with the ground if I accidentally fell off the edge.

My attention was drawn to some clattering to the left side of me. I watched a fox creep out from between the bins and run away. I rubbed my hands together and caught my breath with them to warm them up again before placing them in my pockets.

I glanced at the glistening moon again and noticed three shadows jump across the gap between the two apartment blocks on the other side of the road. 

The ninja.

I watched them jump from rooftop to rooftop until they disappeared behind a building. I sighed with relief. They couldn't have noticed me, I thought. 

The rain began to patter but I didn't mind it much. I simply slipped my hood up and watched the clouds gather around the moon. Moment's later I heard more noise followed by a yell but from the right side of me this time. "Hey! Get back here!" I heard a male voice shout. I thought nothing of it but when I turned my head to the noise, I saw a man with a red rice hat running right towards me, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

The rain started pouring down. I was going to let the man be, but I froze in panic when I saw three of the ninja - the red, grey and green one - following close behind.

I can't have the ninja find out that I'm an Oni. They have enough Oni enemies. They can't trust an Oni like me. They won't.

"He's getting away!" The one in red called, pointing his finger at the hat man. I didn't know what to do. If I stop him, could I gain trust from the ninja? Maybe they would suspect me of being an Oni less?

I groaned in frustration, "Why do I have to be such a good citizen?" I grumbled. Just as the hat man jumped onto my rooftop, he looked behind him. I used that chance to leap in and tackle him down. He quickly pushed me backwards and just as he got to his feet to run away again, I grabbed the back of his top. He was now facing me, his hands on my shoulders, trying to make me let go. We were practically wrestling and pushing on the rooftop. He suddenly pushed me back and forced my head over the ledge. "WOAH!" I screamed, trying to climb back to solid ground. After a few moments of struggling, I kicked him back and leaned forward to have my feet on the ground again. I swung my arm to punch him and I blocked his punch. The ninja finally got to my rooftop but just as they got to the hat man, he kicked me back, causing me to stumble backwards and THWACK!

I felt a sharp pain on my head, making me black out and collapse onto the floor.


Kai and Nya grabbed hold of Ronin while I ran over to the citizen who hit her head pretty badly on the ledge. That was brave of her, stopping Ronin like that. I wonder where she learned to fight like that... Moments later, Zane, Cole and Jay pulled up with the Bounty and herds of police cars drove to the apartment. Ronin was taken to prison and we decided to take the girl to the monastery to heal her. Surely Wu's got a tea for that.

Zane and PIXAL helped stitch her wound up in the guest room. I was sat in the living room, nervously fidgeting with my fingers. I don't know this girl, but if she ends up not being okay, that'll be on us. Kai was about to go to sleep and poked his head through the living room doors as he headed to his own bedroom. "Aren't you going to sleep?" Kai asked.

"Uh... Yeah. I'm just a bit worried." I got a small shrug in reply. "Did you see how she punched him? I wonder where she learned to fight like that. The way she punched Ronin... That was no ordinary self defense. That was technique."

"Yeah, I noticed that too. Get some sleep, Greenie. We can worry about that in the morning..." Kai stretched his arms out as he yawned. "Goodnight, bro."

"Goodnight..." I responded. I sighed and got up from the sofa and just as I left the living room, Zane and Pix were leaving the guest room. "Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yes. It is quite remarkable how she is in quite good condition for someone who was hit in the head like that," Zane explained. I sighed with relief.

"Once Master Wu is back from his trip in a few days, we can give her some sort of tea for the pain or for the wound to heal quicker. We think that it is best for her to stay here while she heals," PIXAL suggested.

"That's great. Uh, I'll see you guys in the morning."

I got into bed and stared at the ceiling. There's something about this girl that doesn't seem right.

Anyone else would've at least gotten a concussion from that impact. How come her condition is so "good"? It doesn't make any sense. There's no-one in the world who'd get this lucky...

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now