Chapter 17

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I was wandering back and forth in our cell. Zane on the other hand, was sitting on the floor and flicking loose pebbles at the wall. These confined walls of this stone cell only drained me. Before I woke up, I was trapped in this void. I was left alone with echoing voices - not that of an Oni.

My own.

Constant threats. It was threatening me that the Oni will hurt my loved ones like my sister and...


I couldn't sleep or even talk because of how shaken I was by this situation.

Our attention was suddenly directed to a loud clanging noise at the end of the hallway. We heard a bunch of shuffling about.

This isn't a good sign.

Moments later, two Oni guards were dragging an unconscious Jay down the hallway. "Jay..." I muttered as I ran up to the bars. He was thrown into the cell with Master Wu and PIXAL.

"Oh no..." Master Wu said.

I managed to choke out the question, "Is he okay?"

"He's barely breathing, Kai."

"The same happened to Kai when he was dragged in here, Master Wu. If what happened to Jay is the same thing that happened to Kai, his condition should be back to normal in a few days," Zane explained.

The Oni who dragged Jay in were hovering about ominously, feeding on our concern and despair. One of the two came up to us and hissed, "That's not all..." before leaving again.

I let out a small shaky gasp. I exchanged worried glances with Zane before averting our gaze to the hallway behind the bars, waiting for another one of us to be dragged through.

My anxiety was only creeping up. Without us, who's gonna defeat this Oni?

We heard a clang from the end of the hallway. I was standing by the barred doors, waiting impatiently and nervously. Soon enough, the door to mine and Zane's cell was swung open and Cole was thrown into my arms. I watched as the Oni laughed and locked the door again before leaving.

Cole seemed out of breath and wheezing. His aggressive coughing turned into uncontrollable sobs as he buried his head into my shoulders. I wrapped my arms into an embrace and gently rubbed his back as we both sunk to the floor.

"I-I tried! I couldn't help him! I'm sorry! I— My powers didn't work and... and—"

"Cole... Hey... He's okay. He's just unconscious," I reassured him. I know that he's very emotional and he always beats himself up for things that mostly aren't his fault. Like the time we lost the travellers tea in the Never-Realm. So when I spent time with him, he opened up and told me about things that could help when calming down - usually something his mum did when he was a kid.

"I could've done something more. Tried harder."

"Cole," I whispered before pulling away. I gently lifted his chin up; his sobs weren't calming down. "Look at me," I demanded, softly. He gazed into my hazel eyes with his brown ones which were slightly puffy from crying. He tried to hold in his tears - his sadness transferred to the corners of his lips which quivered slightly.

I kept my voice soft and barely above a whisper to soothe him. "Everything is going to be okay. Don't worry, babe." I left a gentle kiss on his forehead before letting him melt into my arms again.

"I failed everyone at least once. As a son, a friend, a best friend, a-a boyfriend! I can't even protect myself! Maybe Ha-eed is right. Maybe I shouldn't be alive..." he whimpered.

I carefully caressed his back and took deep breaths. He followed along and took deep breaths until he completely calmed down. "Everything is going to be okay," I repeated.

With his head still buried in my chest, he nodded and sighed. "Thank you." My boyfriend continued crying, but he was much calmer about it. The crying was barely audible and his breathing and heartbeat slowed themselves to a steady pace.

I turned around and Zane was standing in place, blinking as if he couldn't comprehend what just happened. "This might not... This isn't the right time to ask, but how long have you been a couple?" he asked. I was still rubbing Cole's back and breathing steadily so that Cole could match my pace.

"Uh... A few months," I said softly. "Something along those lines."

Zane nodded then frowned at the sight of Cole crying. I turned to Cole who pulled away and wiped his tears before giving me a half-hearted smile. I kissed him on the lips and his smile grew wider as he continued gazing into my hazel eyes with a sigh. "You're voice is very soothing," he whispered before pecking my lips. I smiled and he smiled back before standing up.

"We found out how to stop Ha-eed," Cole said.

"Ha-eed?" Master Wu questioned from the other side of the wall, splitting our two cells apart.

"Who's Ha-eed?" I asked.

"One of the three Oni warlords," Sensei explained.

"Like Mystaké?" PIXAL questioned.

"Precisely. She was the warlord of Deception and was known as Decer before deceiving her brothers and fleeing to Ninjago."

"Wait, what?" Cole exclaimed, "That makes Ha-eed Y/n's uncle?!"

"Yes... You said you know how to defeat him?"

"Right." Cole stood up and furrowed his brows. I love it when he has an idea. The way he introduces it is just so hot. "Oni form."

"Oni form?" Zane queried.

"Yeah. It's a fight fire with fire situation. The only way we can defeat the Oni is with an Oni. Y/n is an Oni, and Lloyd is a part Oni, meaning that he could have an Oni form too. But now there is a problem," he said with a frown.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Lloyd is refusing to learn Oni form because he doesn't want to become like his father. The idea of Oni form pissed him off which pissed y/n off so she left to who knows where. We were in the Library of Domu to find some more info on the Oni and another way to defeat Ha-eed specifically, since he's the main threat. The Golden Weapons might not be strong enough for an Oni of his power..."

"I am a part Oni too," Wu muttered.

"In that case, in theory, you should have an Oni form too, right?" Zane asked.

"Being drained of all energy by Ha-eed at my age only puts us in a dire situation. I have never been taught Oni form, so I don't know how it's done. Also, we don't have the energy, both elemental and physical, to break free from these cells. All we can do as of right now is rest and hope Nya and Lloyd have found something useful."

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now