Chapter 7

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Since when was Lloyd such an ass?? The last time he ACTED like an unbearable little shit was when we first met him: when he WAS an unbearable little shit. I get that he's got trauma or whatever (just like the rest of us but why argue over details) but there's no need to lash out on someone who was literally insecure their entire life because of their heritage.

He's insecure about his own heritage, Lord Garmadon being his father and all! Y/n's right. He out of all people should understand what she was going through...

Master Wu and PIXAL left the base and after a few awkward moments of silence, I decided to call Lloyd out on it, "Lloyd, that was really fucking rude of you."

"You too? She was the one who lied!" he snapped.

"Personally, I think you should apologise," I admitted.

Lloyd rolled his eyes, got down from the mech and slammed the tools on the table. "She should be the one apologising!"

I exchanged glances with Kai and Zane. "Lloyd, she did apologise. She said: 'Sorry for lying but I had a reason to' " Zane quoted.

"Yeah... Now it's your turn, Greenie. She explained why she lied. Maybe you could say sorry and just explain why you lashed out at her. She would understand you better," Kai suggested.

We nodded in agreement. "Yeah! It's better to apologise and not be sorry than be sorry and not apologise!" I exclaimed.

"That's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard," Lloyd stated.

"What I'm trying to say is that apologising is a good thing."

"Otherwise it's gonna be really awkward around the monastery if you're holding a grudge on someone the entire time..." Kai explained.


After what seemed like an eternity of silence, apart from the buzzing of drills and blowtorches and other tools, Lloyd's expression seemed to soften. He sighed and frowned, "Was I really that horrible?" he asked.

Me and the other guys nodded. "Your Oni power showed through, Lloyd..." Zane mentioned.

"Shit..." Lloyd muttered while running his hands down his face. He paused and sighed. "I probably should apologise..." Lloyd admitted with a small chuckle.


Okay... I might've lashed out a bit too much on y/n... Nevermind. I definitely lashed out on y/n. A lot.

I decided to apologise to her after dinner. She seemed pissed at me, but she didn't pay attention to me much anyway. She talked with the others more. I went to my room first, to rehearse the apology in my head. I took a deep breath and finally opened to the door to my room, ready to find y/n to apologise to her.

As I opened the door, I saw y/n standing at the door. She was about to knock.

"Y/n?!" I exclaimed. She sighed and walked in. I closed the door behind her. "What are you do-"

She started talking to me at a speed I could barely comprehend, "I'm sorry, Lloyd. I- I was really rude. I know that you are probably traumatised being the hero and everything and you literally have Oni and your father as your enemy and I get why you hate me. I was really fucking insensitive, I- I wasn't thinking properly, I just panicked because I hid my Oni form for so long and I revealed it to the people who hate them most and... and..." Y/n's face became wet with tears. I was really confused. "I'm sorry for lying to you about it. I should've been honest." She wiped her tears and calmed herself down.

I blinked, trying to absorb all the words she threw at me. "Why are you apologising?" I asked, quietly.

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you apologising to me? I was the insensitive one. I just... You're right. I had really bad experiences with deceitful people, Oni and my father. I guess I was scared that you were just like everyone else. Especially with all the recent events... I should've just listened to you. You were just scared, and I understand that now. I just let my anger from the past cloud my judgement and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for lashing out like that. I'm sorry for attacking you with the golden weapons and I'm sorry for calling you a liar..." I sighed and looked down at my feet, ashamed of myself.

"Thank you," y/n said. She sniffed and wiped her tears. "That means a lot to me," she chuckled.

"I'm glad we got sorted this out..." I said. "I feel really bad for what I did," I admitted, scratching the back of my neck. "To be fair... I think I'm past all that Lord Garmadon and Harumi and Oni stuff. I mean... those events didn't happen that recently, did they?" 

"It's been over two years now..." she sat down on my bed. "It still hurts... losing my mother."

"Oh yeah... Mystaké. She was a real hero," I sat down next to her. "Believe it or not, but she had to talk some sense into me when I was really close to giving up."

"'The Resistance Never Quits'?" 

I giggled, "Yeah. If not her, that speech wouldn't have even existed."

Y/n smiled warmly and laughed. "I never thought I'd get punched in the face by some thief and end up here..." She glanced up at me with her (e/c) eyes for a moment before looking away again. "I was angry at first, but knowing that you accept me gives me a peace of mind. I quite like it here..."

"How is your wound, anyway?"

"Only hurts when I touch the wound. Other than that, it's fine. Wu's magical tea really works," she chuckled again, gazing into my emerald eyes. I smiled at her while she brushed her (h/c) hair behind her ear. Her cheeks turned into a warm shade of pink. 

We subconsciously leaned closer to each other until our lips met. My body temperature instantly went through the roof and thousands of butterflies fluttered aggressively in my stomach. Her lips were really soft and she was very gentle. I brushed my hands through her silky hair, making sure that I didn't accidentally touch her wound. She had her hand cupped around my cheek. Our lips moved in sync. The kiss was slow, gentle and calming... I've never felt anything like this.

It was an extraordinary experience. 

We slowly pulled away. We both seemed just surprised as each other as to what just happened. Y/n blinked her way back to reality and her cheeks completely flushed. She rushed out of the room and closed the door behind her. 

I didn't know what to think, but whatever just happened left a grin plastered on my face and my body temperature didn't drop.

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now