Chapter 5

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I'm starting to get used to this life. Kinda... I don't have much to do because the ninja spend most days training all the time. I'm no ninja, I'm just a waste of space. Although, I did play some video games with the boys which was kinda fun.

I woke up in the middle of the night from another nightmare. Why do they all have to be evolved around my Oni form? I went to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of water before stepping outside. I stared at the night sky, which was sprayed with millions of stars. My mother always loved star gazing. When we first moved to Ninjago, it would be her favourite thing to do to help clear her head.

I wish my mind was that easy to clear but it's impossible to wash it from overwhelming thoughts. Every time I blink, I can see the glimpse of the horror on the ninja's faces if they see my Oni form...

I took a sip of water and let the cool feeling rush down my throat. I looked up at the sky again, "If only you were here to help me..." I sighed. I felt a tingly feeling down my spine. I felt a pair of eyes stuck to me. I turned around and Lloyd was leaning on the doorframe. He was startled when I turned around but hid it well. I looked up at the sky again, ignoring his presence.

"You alright?" he asked, breaking the silence. He stepped closer to me and sat next to me.

"Just another nightmare... the usual."

"I can see that your wounds healing... Does it hurt much?"

I shook my head a little. "It's better... I'm not fainting or getting intense migraines anymore so... I guess it's okay... What are you doing up so late?" I asked.

Lloyd sighed and looked down at his feet. "Nightmares..."

"About what?"

He took a deep breath, "Garmadon..."

"Isn't he on the good side now?"

Lloyd hesitated a little before answering. "He might've helped us in our most recent battle against the Oni a few years back, but I still don't trust him. Not enough for me to consider him as my father again..." He shuddered slightly on the word 'father'. Everyone saw that fight in Kryptarium. It was all over the news. No wonder he doesn't trust Garmadon. "Because of my various horrible experiences with untrustworthy people, I have trust issues with new people. But you seem a bit different. There's something about you that gives me a bit of a peace of mind but I can't figure out what..."

"Well, I'm glad you trust me..."

"What are your nightmares about?"

I was slightly surprised by the question. I thought for a bit before thinking of an excuse, "It's just about my mother. She was murdered by Garmadon..." 

Lloyd looked up at me with his emerald green eyes. "You never mentioned that..."

"I didn't want to..."

"Well, at least we have something in common..."

"What's that?"

"A common enemy." 

We both chuckled a little, "I guess so."

"It sickens me, sometimes, knowing that I've got Oni blood. Apparently, that means I have an Oni form. I'm scared to ever unleash it... I don't want to become like my father. It's my greatest fear..." I frowned a little. "Well, I guess I don't have to worry about him. He disappeared to who-knows-where after all..."

"It sickens me... It sickens me... It sickens me..."  Kept echoing through my mind. It was something my mum would say about The Omega. "Knowing that he's our ruler sickens me. It makes me hate being an Oni," is what she'd say. "It doesn't mean that you have to be ashamed of being an Oni... It's a complicated emotion. You'll understand when you're older."

I subconsciously shed a few tears. Why does everything around me just lead back to her. She's gone. I sniffed and tried wiping my tears away.

"Woah, woah, are you okay?" Lloyd asked as I buried my face into my knees. "D-Did I say something?" He placed his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it gently. I shook my head and wiped my tears again.


"For what?"

I forced a chuckle, "I don't know... Everything around me just leads me back to memories of my mother..."

"Are they... good memories?" Lloyd let go of my shoulder.

I nodded with a smile. "She was the best human being I could've known..."

"That's nice..." We ended the conversation there and went back to sleep. 

The next day, Lloyd took me around the places in the monastery I haven't been to yet. He took me to rooms like the scroll room or the inside training room. It seemed a bit empty around the monastery. I only saw Master Wu upstairs. "It's a bit empty," I commented.

"Oh, right! There's one more place I should show you. Since you're living here, you might need to know this place," Lloyd said as he picked up a few ninja stars and threw them at the target in the living room. It revealed a big red button. He pressed it and it glowed green. The wall opened revealing an elevator door. We entered the elevator. "This place is good for emergencies. If something happens, this is our little safe house. We also keep a bunch of mechs and dangerous weapons there."

The elevator door opened, revealing a massive base where everyone was working on some sort of mechs. "Oh, wow..."

"Isn't it?" Lloyd said proudly. "Welcome, to the monastery base."

"Oh, hey y/n!" Jay waved, letting go from the ladder he was holding for Cole.

"Jay, Jay!!" Cole struggled to keep his balance. Jay quickly noticed and held onto the ladder again before Cole could fall off. I giggled a little. "Keep your eyes on the damn ladder, zap-trap."

Jay rolled his eyes, "Okay, boulder brain..." 

Nya came over to me and Lloyd, "How's the tour going?" 

"Going well," Lloyd answered. "I'm gonna show her the..." his voice trailed and he whispered in Nya's ear.

"Okay, just be careful. They just got their energy back and might be a bit unstable," Nya warned. What is she talking about?

Lloyd led me to one end of the base and pressed a hidden tile on the wall. From the wall emerged this cupboard looking thing. He typed in a code which opened the doors which revealed one thing that was an Oni's greatest weakness.

The golden weapons holding Creation energy.

"You can use these but for emergencies only. They're pretty unstable because they got there energy back recently."

Wu came through the elevator doors. "Oh yes, be careful when showing those."

I felt a bit of sweat trickle on my forehead. I was terrified to be near them. The golden weapons made my legs go numb. This is the one thing that would completely expose me.

Lloyd picked up the sword of fire. "They don't seem too unstable," he said, stepping closer to me. My breathing became heavier and I tried my best to hide it. "You good?" he asked, concern written all over his voice. I felt more eyes towards me.

"Uh-huh!" I replied with a nervous chuckle.

"Here, hold it," Lloyd somewhat abruptly shoved the sword closer to me, causing me to hiss as I recoiled backwards. Everyone was staring at me. 

"Y/n..." Wu started. "Are you okay?"

Lloyd stepped closer, about to put his hand on my shoulder, the sword of fire still in his hand. I groaned and held the bridge of my nose, trying to stop the migraine. Lloyd was about to take another step closer when I yelled, "Get the fuck away from me!!" My eyes were shut tightly and I felt my entire body boil. 

Everyone stopped what they were doing and came to get a closer look. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright purple aura around me. I completely panicked and managed to shake it off before I could transform into an Oni.

Lloyd glanced at the sword in his hand and I saw him hold it tighter. He looked back at me, anger clearly displayed in his eyes. 

"You're an Oni, aren't you?"

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now