Chapter 15

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"This is the only way we can defeat that thing, Lloyd! It's a fight fire with fire situation." I watched as Lloyd stormed to the courtyard and rubbed his temples. I followed him. "There's simply no other way!"

"I'm not doing it. I don't even know how to achieve my Oni form, let alone turn back to normal!"

"I can teach you."

"Then what?? I don't know if I can even control it! You saw me the first time I..." He glanced at his hands, clenched them and calmed down a little. "The first time I got angry with you. I will not let my Oni power take control. I won't... I can't..." he said, with his voice lowered to a voice that was just above a whisper.

I watched as he shifted his gaze to the cobblestone beneath him. I stepped over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. He looked up to me with his large emerald green eyes which were filled with worry. I sighed. "Lloyd... I'm sorry, but there's not much of a choice. Ha-eed could come back at any-"

"OH MY FUCKING FIRST SPINJITZU MASTER WHAT IS THAT!!" We instantly ran towards Jay's screaming. Ha-eed's presence was as clear as day. Lloyd and I got to the living room (Cole and Nya were in the city getting new parts for a mech) and saw Jay standing at the doorway, frozen in fear. He was completely pale and his eyes were wide in terror. In the corner of the room, there was a small child. Maybe 5-7 years of age. He had messy curls through his auburn hair and was wearing a blue t-shirt and some navy trousers. The boy had freckles sprayed across his grey-ish skin and his eyes were bright purple. We were face to face with Ha-eed himself.

"Look at that. You're such a failure that you can't even save yourself!" the 'child' shouted with his high pitched but slightly distorted voice. "All that suffering and for what? You could've just wished for it all to go away when you had the chance!"

"Jay don't listen to him!" Lloyd said. "You're not a failure! You're a hero! You saved the world from Unagami a few months ago! Remember that? Without you, Ninjago wouldn't be safe!" Lloyd shouted, trying to free Jay from his trance. He tried throwing a green orb of his element at the boy, but before it reached him, it was reduced to a thick black smoke. Me and Lloyd exchanged a quick confused and slightly startled glance before glaring at Ha-eed again.

"What about all the times you failed to save the love of your life, huh?"

I let dark purple flames dance between my fingers, "Cut it out, Ha-eed!"

The 'boy' looked surprised as he diverted his gaze to me. He narrowed his eyes back at Jay, who was hyperventilating. "You're such a failure that your parents abandoned you. They never loved you. Instead you were raised in some junkyard. How funny, you're just another piece of trash among the rest of the junk!"

At this point, Jay was tucking his ears. His eyes were shut, and his mouth was open as if he was screaming, but no scream was heard. However, despite that, I could feel the terror of that scream. It's like I could feel his anger and hatred towards himself. Lloyd was startled by this too and stepped away from Jay, who collapsed onto his knees as tears escaped his eyes.

I narrowed my eyes at Ha-eed, who had a mischievous smile spread across his face in the boy's body. His eyes grew black.

I knew what he was going to do. With a roar, I let my anger consume me. A purple aura invaded my skin, turning it into a jet black colour. I felt my horns grow between the strands of my hair as I leaped at Ha-eed. He didn't hesitate to change into his true form. I kicked him in the stomach, launching him to the wall.


I kneeled towards Jay and tried snapping him out of whatever he was experiencing. No voice came out when trying to scream. It was like a cry for help. I watched as y/n effortlessly transformed into her Oni form and attack Ha-eed.

My direction was directed to Jay's panicked whimpers which were audible again. "Jay! Jay look at me." He looked up at me with his eyes which were filled with tears. "You're okay now."

"WHERE ARE THE OTHERS, HA-EED?!" y/n yelled. After being kicked back into the coffee table, y/n got up and successfully pinned Ha-eed against the wall with a dagger pointing to his neck. Nya and Cole ran in and looked around the demolished living room in complete confusion.

"So you figured out who I am..." he hissed.

Y/n was glaring at Ha-eed with glowing purple eyes. "Where did you take the others?" y/n repeated through her clenched teeth. "Why are you doing this?!"

Ha-eed snarled into a savage laugh which rang throughout the monastery. "I will return for the rest of you," he hissed. "You just wait. You're strong, Decer, but not strong enough."

"Huh?" Y/n muttered in slight confusion.

"See you soon ninja..." Y/n jolted back as Ha-eed engulfed himself in a thick black smoke and disappeared. She turned back to her human form and walked towards us, completely out of breath. I looked at her, then back at Jay, whose eyes were drooping and dull... It looked as if there was no life left in him.

"Lloyd, keep him awake with your element. It's an element of creation, it should repel the darkness Ha-eed used against Jay. Nya, prepare any vehicle that you have that can blend in with those in the rest of the city. Cole, pack the golden weapons. We need to get the fuck out of here."

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now