Chapter 14

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Y/n didn't feel the presence of that... thing for days. It was safe for now. Cole was still completely shaken by what he saw when my brother was taken... He hasn't left his room since. The monastery was very quiet since then and we didn't talk much unless it was to teach some new techniques to y/n.

Lloyd called for a meeting in the monastery base. All of us, even Cole, came down as instructed at midday.

"What is it? Did you find something?" I asked.

Lloyd shook his head with a frown. "I thought we could talk about who it could be."

"But that thing is an Oni. The only Oni we've ever known was Garmadon, Omega and Mystaké. The Omega is presumed dead and we don't even know the whereabouts of Garmadon."

"Which is why he's a good guess," Lloyd admitted reluctantly.

Cole shook his head. "Whatever that was... It definitely wasn't Garmadon. I'm telling you, it was unlike anything we've ever seen. It can't be a villain that we've already faced."

We all sat in silence, thinking about this new potential villain. "Maybe y/n knows something. You were raised with the Oni, right?" Jay asked. Y/n nodded. "Were there any... I don't know... Sketchy Oni? Maybe someone with some crazy supernatural abilities or power?"

Y/n thought for a moment. "There might be someone..." she headed to the elevator and we all followed her to the scroll room. "Lloyd, where's the scroll you showed me the other day?"

"Uhh..." Lloyd headed to one of the emptier shelves and inspected it with his hand on his chin. He found the scroll he was looking for and rolled it out on the table.

Y/n traced her fingers along the letters and pointed at the illustrations of the three Oni masks. "The three Oni warlords. They were more powerful than the Omega himself. He was merely a figure head. Decer, Venge, and Ha-eed. My mother, Mystaké was known as Decer. She was the Oni warlord of deception. She was extremely powerful. I've never seen Venge or Ha-eed, but I know that they are just as powerful as my mother was. When the Omega became the ruler, they stood by his side while my mother deceived them and fled."

"If they work for the Omega, does that mean they'll be looking for revenge against us?" Jay asked.

Y/n slowly nodded.

"It must be someone close to-"

"It's Ha-eed," Y/n interrupted me. "It must be. If the Omega is dead, Ha-eed must be the new ruler. He was next in line to the throne. Only the ruler can control the cloud o-or the smokey vines like you've seen, Cole. And there's only one way they can summon it."


"Through the despair of others. The sort of despair Kai was in..." her voice trailed off to a whisper.

"Okay, now we know who, why and how he did it. We just need to know where he took the others," Lloyd said.

"And who's next to be taken..." I said with a frown.

"Cole, did you see anything through the portal Ha-eed dragged Kai into?" Lloyd asked.

Cole shook his head, "I didn't see much... It was too dark. But my best guess would be the Realm of Oni and Dragons."

"They could've been taken anywhere in the realm, if they even are in that realm... We can't just assume where they are and go after them. We'll get lost," y/n said. "We can't afford that right now."

"She's right, Lloyd. We can't risk it. We don't know where they are," I agreed.

Lloyd sighed in defeat. "Then what can we do?"


Date: unknown.

Location: unknown.

Time: unknown, presumably night due to silence beyond the cell.

Chance of escape: 0.0021% chance unless someone lets us out, which is ultimately impossible because of how heavily guarded the cell is.

Other mental notes: I am with Kai in my own cell however my cell is adjacent to PIXAL's.
She is in the same cell as Master Wu, and the cells are heavily guarded by Oni.

Updated location: Realm of Oni and Dragons?

The Oni were generous enough to provide us with bunk beds, although made from stone. Kai was in the bottom bunk.

Kai hasn't woken up since he came here. His temperature fluctuates and so does his breathing and heart rate. In recent moments, more muttering occurs and he began picking at his skin in his sleep. I only noticed this behaviour when I noticed small bloody scars on his wrists. To refrain him from doing so, I was required to observe and whenever he did this, I needed to hold his hands away from each other to prevent him from hurting himself further.

All my attempts at waking him up proved unsuccessful.

Shivers became more and more frequent, and so did the picking. He began to sweat more and his breathing became shallow and his muttering grew louder and quicker. Tears began streaming down his face.

I shuffled away from him to give him space. With this spontaneous change in his condition, it is wise to expect that he will wake up soon.

Soon, he abruptly sat up, bumping his head on the top bunk in the process. "NO- ARGH!" I sat in silence and watched him, waiting for him to recover as his hyperventilating slowed down. Once he calmed him self down he winced and rubbed his head, "Shit..."

"Is everything alright, Kai?"

He shook his head and sighed. "What is this place?" he asked as he wiped his tears away with his sleeves and sniffed a little.

"It is safe to assume that this is the Realm of Oni and Dragons. This place is crawling with Oni."

"Kai?" Master Wu called from the other side of the wall. "You're awake?"

"Master Wu? Boy, am I glad to hear you. I-Is Pix with you? We were looking for you guys all over the monastery and then... Then I ended up here."

"Yes, I am with Master Wu, Kai. Are you okay?"

Kai sighed, "Not really. What that... Kid told me... Let's just say I didn't hear good things from him."

"I am very sorry to hear that. All of us have been brought here the same way... It was a horrible experience," PIXAL explained.

"Let's just hope the others are safe..."

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now