Chapter 6

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The stares of the ninja overwhelmed me. That was the look from my nightmares: the glare of undiluted horror. I took a few deep breaths to gain a little strength. "I- I can explain!"

"I'd like to see you try!" Lloyd said, pointing the sword at me. I collapsed onto the floor, my legs completely numbing, and my migraine growing.

"Woah, Lloyd, buddy, let her explain!" Cole said as he rushed over to Lloyd with Kai, gently nudging him away. Zane and Jay helped me up on my feet, my hand still clutching onto my head. Kai carefully took the sword from Lloyd, who was still glaring at me.

"What is there to explain?! She's clearly some stone-hearted and cold-blooded Oni who's thirsty for revenge because my father murdered her mother which, for the record, I was never involved in!!" He yelled as Kai and Cole restrained him from coming closer to me.

"Cold-blooded?" I let out a breathy, sarcastic chuckle. "Stone-hearted?! What about my mother?" I narrowed my eyes at Lloyd. "Mystaké. My mother..."

"Wait, so she was your mother?" Jay questioned. "Why didn't you just say so?"

"Oh, so there's another thing you lied about? One thing I hate worse than my father are liars! Just like fucking Harumi..."

"Lloyd, calm yourself," Wu said.

"My mother sacrificed her fucking life for you!! She was a fucking Oni warlord! She wasn't some stone-hearted monster! Do you just assume that every Oni is some sort of mindless creature, some uncontrollable beast because of your fucking daddy issues?!" I snapped loudly. 

Silence spread across the room. Lloyd's eyelids flickered slightly, trying to comprehend what I just shouted at him. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists before yelling, "At least I'm honest! I don't pretend to be someone else!"

"This is who I am!!" Tears began unwillingly streaming down my face. "I had to hide. I knew that this would be your reaction... My nightmares were constantly reminding me of my cursed heritage. Yes, I lied about that too. Sorry for lying, but I had a reason."

Everyone's eyes were on me. Kai and Cole's hands were still on Lloyd's shoulder to stop him from growing too angry.

I put my hands in my pockets. "I get that having Oni blood 'sickens' you," I watched his eyebrows furrow. His breath became a bit trembly with frustration. "Guess what? Being a full-blooded Oni sickens me too. Imagine having to live in constant hiding because of the terror that your kind brought to the world. The Omega... That tyrant was the reason why me and my mother came here. She thought she could keep me safe from judgement. Turned out that Oni were hated by everyone. We had to live in constant hiding so that we wouldn't be treated like some 'creature'..."

Lloyd's eyes had a slight hint of purple. His anger as an Oni was showing through. Sparks of his green element and Oni power flashed between his fingers. I took a few steps closer. "I thought you out of all people would understand, Mr 'Compassionate Green Ninja'." I let out another sarcastic chuckle as another tear rolled down my cheek. "I guess even part Oni can be stone-hearted..." His hands grew purple flames. "You might want to look in the mirror before judging anyone else because of their heritage, son of Lord Garmadon..." I snarled softly at the end. I wiped my tears and headed to the elevator, sniffing occasionally.


Okay, what the fuck just happened?

I really don't like taking sides, but y/n has a point. She left and Lloyd glanced down at his hands and shook them in panic. "Shit..." he muttered. His breath became shaky. He glared at y/n as she left the base.

"Lloyd, you good?" Kai asked. 

I took a deep breath, "Lloyd, I hate to break it to you, but y/n's right. It was a bit... I don't know... unfair what you said."

Lloyd scoffed, "She lied, Jay! Don't tell me that you're taking her side!"

"I'm not taking sides! I'm just... considering her side of the story," I explained with a little shrug. "True, she didn't need to lie but you shouldn't have snapped at her like that... You heard her, she was just scared. Everyone hides secrets when they're scared."

Lloyd crossed his arms and avoided eye contact with everyone. He huffed and went to work on a mech. While the rest did the same, me and Nya went upstairs to check on y/n. I get why Lloyd got angry but... I think it might've been an overreaction. Just because you have trust issues (don't get me wrong he has them for a very good reason) but damn-

Me and Nya went to y/n's room and Nya knocked on her door, "Y/n?"

Nya opened the door slightly and y/n turned to look at us as we walked in. She frowned and faced her backpack which she continued packing. "Did I say you could come in?"

"You're packing?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm clearly not welcome here," she muttered.

"What do you mean? Of course you're welcome here. Why would we let you stay if you weren't welcome?" Nya questioned.

"Well, I'm clearly not welcome by some people. Also, that was before you find out I'm an Oni."

I sighed, "We don't mind you being an Oni... Lloyd just has-"

"Trust issues? Yeah, I've heard..."

"It will just take him a while to get used to. He'll come round in time, trust me," Nya said.

Y/n scoffed, "Pfft, I bet he will!" she said sarcastically.

"It's just one person. It's one against... uh..." I counted in my head of how many of us there is. " We don't mind you being an Oni. I think it's actually kinda cool," I said honestly. 

Y/n paused what she was doing and looked in my direction. "Really?" Me and Nya exchanged glances before nodding at y/n. "You don't think I'm some... cold-blooded creature?" 

My Yang let out a small giggle. "No... We've known you for a week and we know for a fact that you're anything but that," Nya said.

Y/n smiled and came over to us with a hug. "Thank you..."

We hugged her back. "You're welcome, y/n."

Two Oni, One Stone - Ninjago x Female Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now