30 ➪ Love, Delilah ꨄ

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April 1887
I seek not to sadden you with my deep depression, though I do wish to arrange a gathering with you and your kin. I am in love with every part of your being. Should you wish to meet with me?
Love, Delilah


I fucked up. I fucked up massively.

I vowed to myself to keep my boundaries in place and never to cross them. Finger-fucking her whilst behind the wheel is fucking crossing them.

I do not know why or how, but Camilla managed to get me fucking addicted to the taste of her on my tongue. She got me addicted to the sound of her voice when she moans my name whenever her legs are thrown over my shoulders and her pussy is being devoured by the beast within me.

Fuck, she even got me addicted to her touch. The way her sleek fingers brush over my skin when I least expect it and the way her soft lips kiss mine in a way to tell me how proud she is that I might of eaten a fucking sandwich.

And her smell. Gosh, her smell. Sometimes, her distinct vanilla scent will float into my nose when she is nowhere near. It never fails to make my cock strain against my pants and beg to be attended to.

I want to fuck her so bad. So bad. But I know that if I do, I cannot reverse it. I have already hurt her by barricading into her life. Sealing the deal will only hurt her more. Though, there is a tiny voice in the back of my head that tells me something different.

It tells me that my refusal to give her all of me has nothing to do with hurting her. Instead, hurting me. This whole plan has tested my morals greatly, but what kind of person would I be if I was fucking her while thinking of all the ways to slaughter her father?

No matter what, or how much I try to resist the temptation of her taste, touch and smell, I always find myself between the scarred thighs of my devastatingly luscious girl.

"Oh!" She runs her hand through my tousled hair as her back arches up from the comfy mattress and moans deliciously.

"Fuck, Phoenix." My tongue teases her clit as my finger finds its way into her entrance. Already anticipating her attempt to suffocate me by closing her legs, I use my other arm to act as a belt around her knee as I throw her leg over my shoulder.

Another finger is slid into her tight cunt and she erupts into a strained cry as my digits curl up inside her. I intimately kiss the scars that are remotely close to her sex as I decide on a fitting pace for my fingers to please her.

"So beautiful." I breathe against her skin. She shudders and her hips buck at my continuous movements. My mouth finds her heat again just as she grinds down onto my face. Her sweet flavours light fireworks in my mouth and shit, I could be the one seeing stars any moment now.

Her moans become progressively louder as my tongue thrusts deeper into her pussy. I lift my eyes and through my thick lashes, I see my shirt, that she is currently wearing, hiked up just over her breasts, exposing her hardened nipples. Her head is slightly lifting from the bed in some attempt to ease the intense pleasure I am giving her.

The duvets beside her are bundled up and clenched by her tight grip. Her mouth is wide open, allowing loud moans to pass through while her eyes are squeezed shut with small tears suffocating the brims. She is so fucking beautiful.

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