36 ➪ Love, Josephine ꨄ

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Last night I dreamt of you. I could not fathom whether it was only dream or a night terror. Because although I could see your image, it was walking away from me. Please do not walk away from me.
Love, Josephine


Phoenix's eyes consume me whole as he takes his time to observe every piece of me. His eyes do not stay fixated on one part of my body for less than 5 seconds and I cannot yet tell whether that is a good or bad thing.

His heavy breathing fills the otherwise silent hallway and the sound of my heartbeat fills my head. It takes Phoenix a solid 2 minutes to finally drag his vision from my body and onto my face. Despite the fact that we have done things together before, I have never been fully naked. This is different.

Phoenix's brows are pinched and the uncertain glimmer in his eyes sparkle under the glow of the moon. His eyes never stray from mine as I take a single step towards him and place my hands flat on his stomach and slowly lower myself.

Before my knees are even able to hit the ground, his hand dives into my hair and yanks me back up until my toes are barely touching the floor. I wince in pain as Phoenix thumps me against the wall again and lowers his head so that his breath hovers over the shell of my ear.

Ignoring the goosebumps it forces out of me, I make action before he does. I drag my tongue up the side of his neck and I feel goosebumps rise on his skin in real time. When I reach his ear, I bite down on his earlobe before I whisper,

"Careful Phoenix, I just turned 20. I can make my own decisions and decide if they were stupid ones later. For now," My fingers linger on his lower abdomen as he lowly groans. "let me please you."

His eyes look in between mine and conflicted thoughts lace his vision. His knitted brows only pinch further before he drops his eyes and begins to shake his head. "Camilla. No."

The rejection once again stabs at my heart but this time, I do not allow it sting. I nibble at my bottom lip and brace myself for the words about to leave my mouth.

"That's a shame. I really wanted to turn 20 with a bang." Literally. "If I were to call someone over from College, what do you think the chances are that they would—" My words are sent to an early grave and my airways are temporarily shut down as Phoenix seizes my throat.

My eyes pop as he pushes me further into the wall and slightly applies more pressure onto my neck. His face looms over mine and his mouth grazes my lips. The position is so intimate that the air that I breathe out is the same air that he breathes in.

"Finish that sentence. I dare you." His knee slides in between my thighs and pushes up against my slit making my breathing uneven. "See if by the end of the night, you wont find yourself bent over your balcony, screaming my name so loud you forget your own."

My bottom lip curls into my mouth as I imagine the filthy words he just spoke. A grin slowly forms on my face and his eyes flicker between my eyes and my lips.

"Phoenix, don't threaten me with a good time."

Something inside him ticks and I only know that because by the time the last word leaves my mouth, Phoenix has already swiped the back of my legs causing my knees to buckle. His hand immediately grips my hair and prevents my bare knees from harshly colliding with the hardwood floor.

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