Chapter 13 - Prisoners & Mates

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Alpha Blake POV

Present Day

Cross Posted

This has been one busy month. I haven't had time to meet all my responsibilities. I am thankful that I have such an excellent Beta to help me. I sent him to speak to the she-wolf currently in the hospital, who wants to declare anonymous asylum in my pack. I, along with a team of enforcers, have been assigned by the Alpha Commander to pick up a couple of criminals at neighboring packs. It appears we have a crime spree against mate bonds as both criminals appear to be guilty of tampering with mate bonds. I shake my head. It's going to be a long day.

We will head North to the Still Waters Pack to pick up Jeni Quinn and Sheila Morris from Alpha Devon. Apparently, they did some damage to his mate bond with Amaris by interfering and using wolfsbane poison. I am personally acquainted with this one. I have been counseling them. I hope they can overcome this, but most of it was his stupidity. Amaris is a highly intelligent and confident wolf, so I don't hold out much hope.

Next, I head west to Little Silver Creek pack to pick up Tracy Vincent. This one is really bad. Apparently, Ms. Vincent has been poisoning Alpha Jenson since the Alpha Conference three months ago. Fortunately, I didn't attend this one. Alpha Jenson put out an APB for his Luna; she had skipped the country because of this. I don't know what it is about these Alphas and their Lunas. If I could only find my Luna, I would be the happiest of alphas.

We arrive at the Still Waters Pack around 7:00 am since we got an early start. Alpha Devon greets us with his lead enforcer, Enf. Tevin Hill.

"Come on in for breakfast with us." He invites. "They are feeding the prisoners and getting them ready for transport." We enter the dining room. Breakfast is laid out on the bar and served buffet style. I fill a plate and join Alpha Devon.

"How's it going between you and Amaris?" I inquire.

Devon drops his fork and leans back, pinching his nose and squinting. "She formally rejected me and is pushing me to sign divorce papers."

My fork halts midway between the plate and my mouth. "What caused such a drastic action on her part?"

"Apparently, I have been siding with Jeni and not her." He blinks his eyes as tears form. "My best childhood memories have Jeni in them. But, Jeni betrayed me. I don't know how to fix this." He begins to lay out everything that has happened between him and Amaris since she has been here. He adds Jeni's machinations and it is a lot! A lot!

"I am not a professional when it comes to women, Devon, but I think you can bank on what Amaris is saying. Since I've known her, she doesn't play games. Whatever she tells you, you need to listen to. If she says Jeni is non-negotiable, you need to decide which is more important. Your friendship with Jeni or your mate and child."

"It's not that simple any longer." he agonized. "Jeni has shown her true colors. I have been betrayed by her. Amaris thinks I should have chosen her before the betrayal came out. She's right. I don't have any way to prove to Amaris that she always came first. It's too late."

"I hate that for you, man. I really didn't think you all could come back from that. My advice is to be a good co-parent and work on being a good father. The best you can hope for in this situation is that Amaris finds a mate that is good to your pup. I wish you the best of luck." I sympathized.

He just dropped his head and wiped his eyes. "Well, let's go get these two criminals off my pack lands." He stormed off toward the basement.

Up ahead I can see the prisoner cells. It is much like my operation in that the cells are modern, enclosed soundproof rooms. A camera and mic in each one so we can watch the prisoners. This is so we can ensure their safety and prisoners can't speak to each other or collude.

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